"Millenium Falcon", and the beginning of "Outcast"

Apr 19, 2009 18:36

Still on the EU bender. :p

The prize for most inappropriate comment in the EU must surely go to James Luceno for this passage from Han about Allana, in Millennium Falcon:( Read more... )

leia organa, han solo, fotj, eu

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Comments 6

callmelydia April 19 2009, 13:06:16 UTC
I HATED that comment, too. I'm just past halfway through with this book and it's awful. I was planning on doing a chapter-by-chapter review of this, but it's just going to be one huge rant.

I thought Outcast was fabulous. I would be completely fine if they let Allston write all the books he wants while they show Denning the door.


deaka April 20 2009, 11:37:25 UTC
I ended up skimming most of MF -- I got completely fed up with the huge swathes of backstory about original characters I don't care about, and even the parts with the Solos and Allana were tedious. The above comment was the worst of it, but did you notice that part with Han thinking maybe he shouldn't look into the Falcon's past in case he found out that she was used as slaverunner or something and couldn't forgive her? As if that could be likened to what happened to Jacen? *sigh*

I'm really enjoying Outcast. And wouldn't it be fantastic? Denning's well and truly had his run by this point.


callmelydia April 20 2009, 19:04:29 UTC
The part that really bugged me about the comment was that thirty seconds later he was absolutely fine with Allana using the Force to ask Leia what flavor of treat she wanted from the concession stand.

And, yes, all Allston, all the time would be absolutely fine with me. I despise Traviss, Denning makes me want to break things, and from the Star Trek books I've read by Christie Golden (the next author in the arc) I'm not too hopeful.


deaka April 25 2009, 11:48:56 UTC
I've read a couple of Golden's Voyager books (the Homecoming arc, and possibly a pair about Chakotay and spirit walking?) and can't remember them all that well, but I think I had a favourable impression of her compared with other Trek writers. But I'm only a casual Trek fan, and it's much easier to find no faults when you're not all that invested. :p How she'll go with Star Wars is anyone's guess. The canon's a bit more rigid on this side of the pool, for one thing.

*digs out lonely Voyager icon*


archaeologist_d April 19 2009, 22:39:12 UTC
I've given up on the books but that is completely inappropriate and something no parent would really say. How crass.

I expect Allston to deliver. He really wants the fans to be pleased and he works hard at it. I bet if he had written Invincible, it wouldn't have ended that way.


deaka April 20 2009, 11:43:09 UTC
I can't believe that Luceno could have written it in the first place without realising how awful it sounded. There's not really any other possible way to take it. *facepalm*

Very true about Allston. He doesn't forget to allow some fun in his books as well, something a few of the other authors can't seem to grasp.


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