"Millenium Falcon", and the beginning of "Outcast"

Apr 19, 2009 18:36

Still on the EU bender. :p

The prize for most inappropriate comment in the EU must surely go to James Luceno for this passage from Han about Allana, in Millennium Falcon:

He threw her gently up onto his shoulders, her legs dangling around his neck. She had extraordinary balance. He liked that she was a real kid. He and Leia has promised each other that their next kid wouldn't be a Jedi, and Han had been thrilled to learn that Allana would not be attending the Jedi academy.

The line in Invincible this refers to, where Han says to Leia that their next kids shouldn't be Jedi? That was in bad taste, but it was a joke. To have Han dismiss his two dead sons and still living daughter as not 'real' because they're Jedi, and to have him refer to an earnest promise between himself and Leia about their next kid, like the first batch were faulty parts to be swapped out, is another thing entirely. And as for being thrilled about Allana not training? He's quite obviously aware that she does have Force skills, so this seems both unfair and dangerous to her. I can see what Luceno was going for here, I think, and Han probably would be carrying a certain amount of resentment toward the Jedi and the Force for what happened to his family, but do you think we could phrase it in a way that doesn't make him seem extraordinarily callous?

Incidentally, Millennium Falcon is incredibly dull. Outcast has been a pleasant surprise so far in that the characterisations are good, it raises interesting and plausible points about the Jedi and their role and how the public reacts to them, especially after Jacen's actions, and even touches on the question of what pushed Jacen to do the things he did in a thoughtful way. It also has some excellent and genuinely funny banter. Excuse me while I fangirl for a moment, but it's excellent to see Allston doing what he does best. FOTJ needs more of him, less of Denning.

leia organa, han solo, fotj, eu

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