Introducing myself (not that it is necessary. of course)

Mar 07, 2005 09:47


I am Lucius Cornelius Sulla, the greatest military man in Roman history. You have most certainly heard of me -- I saved the city from disaster and certain doom, and established long-lasting peace. At least until Caesar came along and screwed everything up. Blasted amateur.

I'm a patrician -- probably the only one with true noble blood among all of you. My beauty was legendary, as all Romans here most certainly remember. Caesar? If you don't remember, ask your mom, beyotch.

I have decided to give you the honour of corresponding with a superior cruel evil sadistic gentleman such as myself. I'm sure you are very grateful. Don't mention it. Invitations for tea would be very appreciated.

I am most anxious to compare notes with you, my dear Wilde. I was quite the... patron of young actors in my time.
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