For the Who lovers...

Oct 13, 2008 17:31

From Lying in the Gutters:

My last couple of Doctor Who leaks were fairly solid - Neil Gaiman to write 2010 “Doctor Who” and Tom Baker returning to the series proper in an unnamed role. Both have been bubbling under ever since. The next one is not so tied down. It’s still rather up in the air. But it’s quite a possibility ( Read more... )

doctor who

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Comments 35

delux_vivens October 13 2008, 21:43:43 UTC
countdown to who fandom hysteria in 3... 2... 1....


jonquil October 13 2008, 22:37:52 UTC
Oh. I was going to have hysteria about OMG HE'S HOT. Because, holy cow, is he ever.


delux_vivens October 13 2008, 22:47:17 UTC
I was thinking more along the lines of ZOMG ITS A NEGRO!11!!!!!!!!!

Well, maybe he'll have dreadlocks too... that would be even more super fun!


jonquil October 13 2008, 22:49:56 UTC
And then he can cut them off!


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delux_vivens October 13 2008, 22:08:51 UTC
you got some popcorn? i got some red flavor koolaid.

if his sidekick is also a woc, there may be a call for sedative medication throughout fandom.


dustdaughter October 13 2008, 23:26:26 UTC

if his sidekick is also a woc, there may be a call for sedative medication throughout fandom.

I bet Martha Jones will laugh her ass off the minute she meets him.


ext_59120 October 15 2008, 23:06:18 UTC
I'd actually watch the damn show again just for that scene alone.

Martha: "Doctor?"

Martha: *laughs her ass off*

Martha: *still laughing ten minutes later*

TD: "It's not that funny."

Martha: "Says you."

TD: "Well, really it's just a matter of pigmentation, really."

Martha: "Come, let's go. I've got a pub I want to take you to."


dustdaughter October 13 2008, 22:04:02 UTC

He's not Chiwetel Ejiofor (my first choice for the 11th doctor) but still a great choice! I liked Joseph in Jekyll (he played an American with a twangy Southern accent).


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dustdaughter October 13 2008, 23:46:41 UTC
::SLOBBER:: ...If it had been him, I would be on the next plane to England the instant they started filming, to HUNT THAT MAN DOWN AND MAKE HIM MINE.

Hee! But uh, Get In Line, Sister. ;D

He has... potential.

Does he ever.


elusis October 14 2008, 04:58:06 UTC
Step away from the Marquis.


Oh. Squee. byrdie October 13 2008, 22:05:44 UTC
I've adored him since first seeing Neverwhere, and nearly squeak whenever I find him in anything else.

If not him then I'd settle for Don Warrington in a pinch.

And I repeat: squee.


Re: Oh. Squee. biichan October 14 2008, 16:26:06 UTC
Actually, Don Warrington played Rassilon (Time Lord founder and semi-god figure) in the audio plays.


darkrosetiger October 13 2008, 22:25:10 UTC
Oh my.

I'd actually have to start watching the show.


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