Imaro by Charles Saunders

Aug 09, 2007 23:34

If you're a fan of author Charles Saunders and/or sword and sorcery novels then you might want to read this post by Martha Wells.


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Comments 5

silverthorne August 10 2007, 01:06:13 UTC
*Sends email page to self so she doesn't forget the book titles*
*Plans on buying once current paycheck autodeposits overnight.*

Thank you.


8mph_ansible August 11 2007, 00:15:37 UTC
Wow, there's just no amount of upset that I'm feeling about this.

That not only keeps book three (along with what I'm told was going to be a four and five as well) on the shelf, but will likely keep Saunders from collecting his short stories about Dossouye on the shelf as well. Dossouye being a vaguely construed female version of Imaro. Herself (if I remember right) once being a member of Dahomey's Ahosi, an all female corp of soldiers, which I'm told makes them history's only true Amazons.

Not only that but what will become of the Afro-Celtic fantasy he mentioned in the foreward of book one? ;_; This is disheartening as it is frustrating! >_<



spiralsheep August 11 2007, 14:07:08 UTC
I remember at least one Dossouye story from one of the Sword and Sorceress anthologies, I think? If it's the story I remember then I LOVED it!


DOSSOUYE! jaycenwise August 16 2007, 17:46:52 UTC
Just wanted to give you guys the heads up that Bro. Charles Saunders and myself (URAEUS) are working in tandem to publish the aforementioned Dossouye short stories(in novel form) using the POD (Print On Demand) model. Cover art, which is as critical to a sword and sorcery novel as a good plot, will be done by the master Mshindo Kuumba. (If you aren't familiar with his work, check out his e-portfolio at ( ... )


Re: DOSSOUYE! spiralsheep August 16 2007, 22:09:48 UTC
Thank you. :-)


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