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Comments 58

elle_dritch July 23 2007, 20:00:29 UTC
He looks around then, and sometimes, later, when Sam thinks of his brother, he remembers this first: Dean's profile in the dusk as he looks wide-eyed at everything around them like he's trying to store it up, like he's trying to memorize it, keep it forever.

You have broken my heart. Oh God, Dean is happy, and it won't last, and Sam doesn't even see it coming. Dean is storing up all this wonder and love against what's coming, and Sam can't see the entirety of that love and wonder until it's not there anymore.

I have to go and cry like a little girl now. Thanks.


cdeacon July 24 2007, 15:10:45 UTC
Aw, thank you. Sorry about the crying. : )

I always love your icon.


tripoli July 24 2007, 05:44:36 UTC
cdeacon July 24 2007, 15:12:10 UTC
I thought you would probably know what was up. Sorry about the OW. And this was weirdly draining, so I think I'll leave the other 17 up to someone else, but I'm flattered. : )


innie_darling July 24 2007, 15:29:39 UTC
Ah, that's heartbreaking. Dean just taking what he can, never mentioning the price.


cdeacon July 24 2007, 17:10:30 UTC
Thank you. : )


javajunkie13 July 24 2007, 15:39:38 UTC
Oh my God, boys!

"Hard to believe it's been a year, isn't it?" Dean stares at him, and Sam adds, a little puzzled, "Since we killed it. Well, since you did."

And that's when I realized, oh my God, Sam doesn't know! I seriously stopped breathing. This is amazing, it's something I thought about after the finale, but am way too much of a wuss to consider writing.

Really fantastic.


cdeacon July 24 2007, 17:14:37 UTC
Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it.


girlguidejones July 24 2007, 16:23:17 UTC
First, I love this. The cherry pits, and Fluffy, and sweet, sleepy sex. And I can totally see Dean not leaving a note. Very Dean, that.

The only tiny bit of concrit I have is that the timeline felt off, and it threw me, because I began suspecting that Sam didn't know, but when you said it was the anniversary of killing the Demon, then the date for Dean to die would have already passed by then, and Dean wouldn't be alive.

I'm thinking maybe you were intending to imply the approach of the demon's death, but the use of the word "anniversary" and then mentioning "its been a year" and "the moment" when the demon was shot made me think that it was that day specifically, in which case Dean would already be dead.

Might be just me (since no one else is mentioning it), but I thought I'd point it out.

Glad someone is writing this story- there needed to be some "Sam doesn't know" fic. :)


cdeacon July 24 2007, 16:35:22 UTC
Oh God, that is really embarrassing. I wrote that section first and apparently just never looked at it again, but you're right. Thank you for pointing it out.


girlguidejones July 24 2007, 16:43:50 UTC
Oh, don't be embarassed. It's easily fixable with a couple of adjustments..."approach of the anniversary", etc.

Seriously? I wouldn't have pointed it out at all, except that the overall tone and the idea behind the story are so good, I wanted you to be able to perfect it. :)


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