OOC: Canon Update Application (Luceti)

Aug 16, 2010 19:51


Name: Doji
Livejournal Username: pyra_k_akaidra
E-mail: dojikuni@aim.com
AIM/MSN: AIM: dojikuni
Current Characters at Luceti: de_bel_survivor


Name: Kouki Wakahisa
Fandom: Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Time Period: Postgame, Naoya’s route
Wing Color: Black
History: Here in the first app.


After much consideration, Kouki finally made his decision and go with Naoya’s plan: To become the King of Bel and to wage war against God for humanity’s freedom.

However, his choice caused Midori Komaki, Keisuke Takagi and especially Yuzu Tanikawa to leave the party, with Atsuro Kihara being the only one in their group to stay. The group now has Kouki, Atsuro, Naoya and Kaido, a gangster.

On the seventh and last day, the ‘Kouki’s Overlord Army’ expanded when Mari Mochizuki, Atsuro’s old tutor, and a Black Frost (a demon that self-proclaimed to be a ‘warrior of love and rage’) joined the party to help Kouki’s rise to kingship.

Although he has Beldr and Belial’s powers, in order to get the qualifications to summon Babel and do its test, Kouki must defeat all the remaining Bels and loosen the barrier between the human world and the demon world. With all the Bels, he’s qualified to call out to Babel, and loosening the barrier will allow it to be summoned into the human world. However, they had to be quick, as they need to do all of that before the government use the UEM field, the ‘final option’, to kill everyone in the Yamanote line by noon (12:00).

After they kidnapped Amane Kuzuryu, the Shomonkai’s maiden, they hooked her mind onto a COMP in order to dive into her soul. The reason they did this was to fight and defeat Jezebel inside her mind. After Jezebel’s defeat, and without Amane’s soul recaptured by the demon in the progress, Kouki absorbed her Bel powers and the group leave for their next objective. Killing Amane at the time would simply gain them more enemies, therefore wasting valuable time. So they left her alone, knowing they’ll be enemies the next time they meet.

Next, they defeated the remaining Four Devas, guardian gods that was protecting Tokyo and maintaining the barrier between the human and demon world. One of the Devas had already been defeated, six months ago, allowing demons to be summoned, leaving only three Devas left. Despite his initial regrets, Kouki didn’t back down from challenging them and brought about the beginning of Tokyo’s corruption for Babel.

Before they can go after Belberith and Belzaboul, the last two Bels, they met with Fushimi and Izuna of the SDF (Special Defence Force) to negotiate for more time before the government used the final option. Naoya succeed in getting the extra time needed in a ‘frank and honest negotiation’, when he essentially just helped Fushimi realised how cornered the government was, choice-wise, and that the final option was futile.

The group head for Roppongi and met Belzaboul, a great fly demon, Duke of Hell and Belberith’s minion, in front of Hills Building. They managed to defeat him and his flies, letting Kouki absorbed his Bel power.

Before they can enter the building, two angels, Sariel and Anael, appeared to in order to convince Kouki to turn back and become God’s messenger as the Messiah. He declined, well aware of his choice to go with Naoya’s plan, and get confused when the angels started referring him as ‘Abel’, along with mentioning his soul’s memory as ‘Abel’. Despite his confusion over it, and the angels referring Naoya as ‘Cain’, they defeated the angels and continued their way into the Hills Building, even when Naoya didn’t explain the significance of ‘Abel’ to Kouki.

At the top floor, they encountered the Shomonkai’s founder, who offered his life to summon Belberith to oppose them and defeat God. The group defied and defeated him, allowing Kouki to get the last Bel power.

With all the powers of Bel he gathered inside him, Kouki drew them out and called out Babel for the final trial to be king.

After a long, hard battle, even facing against the manifestations of all the Bel demons Kouki previously fought, they finally reached Babel’s true form as the King’s Gate. Once Babel’s finally defeated, therefore passing its trial, that Kouki can finally used its power and became the King of Bel, overlord of all demons, and discarded his humanity for it.

Finally the overlord, Kouki and the group left the building for him to summon all the demons, heeding his call as their king, to Roppongi. Surrounded by the demons on their side, the government was forced to see the lockdown’s futility and lifted it. Once the lockdown’s lifted, letting the trapped people to finally escape, Kouki, known as ‘Abel’ to the heavenly forces and the world, made the declaration of war against God.

The long awaited war between angels and demons will finally begin. And humanity...will be officially given the cold shoulder by the King of Bel, showing indifference so his enemies won’t use humans against him.

Shortly afterward, the horn of battle sounded and the war began, as humanity watched the cosmic struggle from the sidelines. The war won’t end until either God or the King of Bel fall in battle.

Before he was the overlord, he’s a human boy first and at heart. He’s friendly, nice and likes joking around with his closest friends (for example, suggesting the reason Amane the maiden had beaten a guardian god was because she was a 'badass'), even if it’s just with Atsuro after the lockdown, with a tendency to be rather blunt and straightforward with people. With the war, Kouki only show this side of him in private to Naoya, Atsuro, Mari and Kaido, the people who stayed by his side even after becoming overlord.

Even then, he grew a little more private since his rise to kingship. Any worries he have are kept to himself, only confided to close companions (that is, Atsuro and Naoya). Since Kouki made his choice to go with Naoya’s plan and vowed to see it through to its end, he won’t hesitate, making him very goal-driven in the end. Whether he win the war or fell down in battle before God, possibly even dying or suffer punishment dealt by Him, he won’t falter.

As the King of Bel, he maintains a certain persona in public. He’s the demon overlord, enemy of the angels and God Himself, an ‘evil’ figure akin to the Devil. He’s powerful, mentally strong and seemingly indifferent towards humanity as he led the demons in the war. Kouki uphold this front, since he mustn’t show weakness in front of his demonic subjects and his enemies, publicly. He took to taking up the name of ‘Abel’, as the angels called him. But those he trusts, he still use ‘Kouki’, since that’s who he is before he is King.

Even when it seems like he lost his humanity, he still cares for people and feel emotions, good and bad. Yuzu’s departure hurt him, more deeply than Midori’s or Keisuke’s, but Kouki didn’t ask her to rejoin him. A small part of him, his selfishness, wanted her to stay by his side, yet he knows that by keeping his distance away from her and the rest of humanity, they’ll stay out of the brunt of the war (except for humans who choose to side with angels).

He’s also willing to hear people out, to hear what they have to say for themselves or to explain their side of the story. Regardless if they’re friends, enemies or people who feared him and his companions. He may be a demon overlord, but he still want to be a good, fair king.

Kouki’s also quite perceptive, making many reasonable guesses that turns out to be correct, even if some of them are just lucky guesses. However, even before his ascension to the Throne of Bel, he’s always quick to notice if something’s wrong, as well as whether a person’s currently under possession, demonic or angelic (as seen with Kudlak and Mari, and Remiel and Amane).

Physical: From fighting demons, angels and people in the Lockdown, along with his powers as the King of Bel, Kouki’s grown quite powerful, agile and overall can endure rougher stuff than before as a result, especially since he’s no longer (physically) human. This means he’s harder to kill than a normal human.

As the King of Bel, his magic and strength improved by immensely and he doesn’t need the COMP in order to use them (even if he keeps it as a memento). His physical strength is quite good, and his magic is vastly more powerful.

While he have access to Babel’s power, and therefore can summon demons freely to his side back on Earth, he won’t be able to summon any in Luceti.

Mental: Quite perceptive (can quickly notice a demonic or angelic possession) and can connect the dots based on the information he knows and what he can gleans from it, making reasonable guesses. He still retains his leadership skills from the lockdown, meaning he can still think up battle strategies quickly and making his decisions under pressure.

Ever since he became the king, Kouki still keep his sense of self, and was able to control his demonic powers with his willpower.

Emotional: Brave and strong. As the king, Kouki is determined to lead the demons and win the war for humanity’s future, even if it means giving the cold shoulder to humans, and by that extension, Yuzu and the others, for their protection.

Physical: Despite his strength and durability, he’s not immortal or invulnerable. He still can get hurt and even die, from very powerful attacks and magic, especially from those whose powers rival gods. Or a well aimed blow to vital areas.

Mental: He’s not the smartest, even if he knows quite a fair bit. He also sometimes asked for opinions and suggestions from other people, such as Naoya and Atsuro, quite a bit and listens to them.

Despite his position, Kouki used to be a 17 year old boy and knows very well that there are many things he doesn’t know, yet. Or his personal thoughts of the significance of ‘Abel’.

Emotional: Despite his strong, calm front, Kouki still have his hidden worries and fears. Although, officially, he shows indifference to the human race to keep them out of the war, he still has his human heart and cares deeply for his loved ones, wishing to win the war for their sake.

He’s still hurt by Yuzu’s departure, even knowing she’ll be safer away from the frontlines. And because of the war and his role, Kouki tends to hide his worries and fears behind a strong, calm front.

Samples (ALL samples must be set in Luceti-verse.)

First Person:
[ It takes him a while before he can spare the time to sit down and talk to the journal. He needed to reach the village first. While he can do it on the go, he’d rather not risk encountering Moro while his attention’s divided. That is, assuming the wolf god is still around.]

Hey. [He hesitates for a moment.] It’s been a while since I was around here, right? Mind telling me the date? I didn’t miss anything exciting, did I? For all I know, an experiment probably happened while I was back in my world.

…Not that I actually want to be a part of them, anyway.

Oh, right, some of you might not know me. Or you do but you’re not sure if I’m really the guy you know. Or you might be New Feathers. [There’s a brief pause.] I’m Kouki Wakahisa. Just some guy from Tokyo. [His voice is casual, simple and pleasant, despite the lie he just said. He’s no longer ‘just some guy’, and never will be.] Or that guy with those weird, kitty headphones.

[Chuckles, then a small smile.]

…I’m back.

Third Person:
A burnt smell drifted from the kitchen. He stared at the ruined mess that was supposed to be his breakfast, and gave a self-deprecating chuckle. It’s just a simple task of preparing a simple breakfast for himself, but he already messed it up.

It must be because ever since he went back and became the overlord, he didn’t have the chance to cook food for himself and to improve on his average skill. As the King of Bel, a few demons (generally of the Femme and Megami tribe) were usually charged with food preparation, sometimes with Miss Mari’s help. He expected something like that, as his attention should be on leading the demons to victory and leaving mundane activities for the weaker demons.

It did take him a while to get used to it, even if he didn’t show it. It won’t do for the overlord to seem weak and feeble in front of his army and his enemies.

He lifted the frying pan, about to throw the mess into the bin. Then, he noticed his cat nearby, watching him. Kotone’s eyes looked at him, curious and amused by his cooking blunder.

“Hey, girl. Here’s your breakfast.” Kouki said with a grin. His cat just gave him an unamused look in return. He laughed and shook his head. “Right, right. You know I wouldn’t feed you these, anyway. I’ll get your real breakfast in a bit.”

After he tossed the burnt food away into the bin, Kouki got the cat food out for Kotone. A completely mundane activity, something that can be done without much thought. But he enjoyed doing it, it was simple. The only thing hanging in the balance was his cat's hunger. A lighter burden on his mind compared to leading an army in a war.

He could bear it, with his companions and Naoya by his side. But sometimes, he needed and appreciated a moment of peaceful life. Even if it’s only temporary until the Malnosso send him back.

The food ready, he placed the bowl on the floor for Kotone and smiled when she walked over to eat. “There you go. And not a bit of burnt stuff, too.”

luceti, ooc, naoya's route, application

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