
Jul 15, 2009 22:50

Player: savingdaisydiva
Subject: Ty Lee (and Azula)
Table: B
Prompt: Prowl
Notes: Based off of something Iddy and I talked about. Loosely.

The shadows of sleep were closing around her. True, the harsh lights of the hallway were still there in their no nonsense way. Occasionally the throb of her hands broke the stillness the pain medication had instilled; that was the worst part. In the night, she would think during those parts of awake alertness then slowly fall back to sleep. It was during one of these lulls she thought she thought she saw a familiar silhouette outlined in the doorway.

One of her burnt hands twitched in its wrapping. You're a hypocrite, the words came back like an echo. Again the footsteps came closer in the nearly abandoned French vacation house. You always were. The simple words were a death sentence uttered by the calmest of executioners.

A single glint in those amber eyes betrayed deadly intent as the tips of elegant fingers started glowing a cool, calm blue. She remembered that she had moved quickly at that. Long practice had made her body into a machine and she had only need to give a hint of a thought to move out of the way as flame licked the wall where she had been. A tilt of painted lips in disappointment was only sign that Azula gave if she notice if she had missed or not.

Funny how fear and time could twist an event. Had it happened so neatly? Let go of me, you little witch! Maybe, she couldn't be sure. Why--

You always lied to me! You won't be so pretty now, will you? Azula, don't, please! Why not? Just move your hands or I'll burn them off! I won't let you! I just want to take a look at that face of yours!

The silhouette moved closer and again the painkillers took effect. Maybe it was just a dream. Perhaps just a doctor trying to see how the wounds were healing up as they peeked under the bandages. Yes. That had to be it.

I'll kill that doctor.

That was strange...that was the way of sleep. Made everything seem out of place and disjointed.

drabble, author: savingdaisydiva, table b

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