(no subject)

Jul 16, 2009 14:22

Player: tenshibellaluna
Subject: Giselle
Table: A
Prompt: 003. Funeral (Of course I pick the most depressing one to start with?)

It had been almost five months since Giselle had come to stay in New York. With Robert's help she had learned every inch of the city. She knew which places were safe to travel through and which were not. She knew which time of day places were busy, and when they would be almost empty.

And so, on this very rare occasion she walked through the city alone.

She stopped at a street vendor selling flowers. She bought a simple bouquet and continued on her way. She smiled and nodded to several different strangers as she went along.

However, her smile faded when she approached her destination. It was the building where the King and Queen's ball had taken place. The place where she had found her True Love and the place where Narissa died.

Narissa had certainly been evil, and on that night she had frightened her more than anything ever had. Narissa had tried to kill her, and then do the same to Robert. At the time, all Giselle had been able to think about was saving Robert and of stopping Narissa from hurting anyone else. But then Narissa had fallen to ground, to her death. Even now, thinking back on it, Giselle felt guilty. She had never wished death on anyone. Not even Narissa, but she had died just the same and she couldn't help feeling like it was her fault.

Quietly, Giselle knelt down and placed the bouquet on the pavement, propping it against the side of the building. Her eyes closed, she made a wish for Narissa, that somewhere, her soul was happy and content.

drabble, table a

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