2008 DCU Free For All Spring Challenge

Mar 10, 2008 11:35

Now that the February Challenge is all wrapped up, and we've had a week to recover, I think it's time to roll out a new challenge!

The 2008 DCU Free For All Spring Challenge

As with the February Challenge, anyone who wants to participate is welcome, regardless of whether you have a primary challenge claim for the community. Though if you *do* have a claim, I encourage you to include your submission(s) toward your challenge. All pairings/characters, ratings, and genres are welcome. The challenge is this: Write fic of at least 100 words (or make graphics) for one of the following prompts from the Free For All prompt tables:

1. T05; P03: Blue (kryptonite)
2. T06; P32: Rebuild
3. T07; P35: Determination
4. T08; P02: Alive
5. T08; P37: Duty
6. T10; P42: Gossamer
7. T10; P43: Aura
8. T11; P06: Heal
9. T11; P15: Innocence
10. T11; P31: Vacation
11. T12; P27: Temptation
12. T12; P49: Wild
13. T12; P58: Atonement
14. T13; P06: Flowers/Petals/Roses
15. T13; P23: Where are my pants?
16. T14; P16: Perfect World
17. T15; P14: Glitter
18. T16; P04: Rain
19. T16; P11; Breeze
20. T16; P12; Sunlight
21. T16; P32; Spring

Special Prompts (non-table prompts):

1. St. Patrick's Day
2. Easter Eggs
3. Chocolate Bunnies
4. May Day/Beltaine/First of May

When you post, the same rules apply to regular challenge posts. Tag with "fic" or "art" or both, and use the challenge tag: community challenge: spring.

The challenge runs until midnight, EST, on Saturday, May 31, and anyone who participates will get a nifty little participation banner. :D That's quite a long time for the run of the challenge, so I encourage everyone to take the opportunity and participate!

I'll start a challenge master list (in a sticky post) as soon as there are enough submissions.

Have fun, everyone! :D

community challenge: spring 2008

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