New interview! I think our chat about art, its value, and taste is interesting, but I tend to try to ask questions that I find interesting, and that's somewhat dependent on my tastes.
I interviewed my family about eating meat. I enjoyed putting this one together a lot. I hope other people enjoy it.
Kat and my Aunts Colleen and Peggy get mentioned by name. My roommate Noah gets referred to also. Some other people get mentioned by name, but I don't think anyone reading this knows them.
I don't think I've mentioned that I'm 6 weeks (of something like 30) into massage therapy school. I guess I've been a little embarrassed that it's kind of an arbitrary choice of something to pursue. I'm not really sure if I hope this becomes a career or an extra way to make money sometimes or a skill my friends appreciate. I'm doing pretty well in
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Joe Biel is one of the folks behind Microcosm Publishing, a collective that prints and distributes zines, books, shirts, stickers, and more. They sell online and through their store in Portland.
Christopher Wilde is one of the folks behind the Queer Zine Archive Project (QZAP), an effort to build a free online collection of zines by queer people and about queer subjects. A zine is a self-published booklet or magazine, and QZAP preserves digital copies of these works.