The Trial of a Green Lantern

Jun 16, 2009 08:52

"It was murder." Shilandra Thane is irate. Since the destruction of her world in nuclear war, she focuses her efforts on peace and understanding... but what she has seen has pushed her too far. "Amon Sur was murdered." She points an accusing finger towards the killer ( Read more... )

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Comments 217

gl_corps June 16 2009, 16:04:18 UTC
"In accordance with the new law of the Book of Oa, lethal force is authorized against any member of the Sinestro Corps," Salaak points out dryly.


gl_corps June 16 2009, 16:18:57 UTC
If Chaselon could frown, he would. One of his robotic limbs twists in annoyance. Salaak has long been a member of the Corps, as has Chaselon, and he has respect for the Lantern, but in this case, he believes him to be in error.

"With all due respect, Salaak, I suspect you have yet to view the ring log of the incident."


gl_corps June 16 2009, 16:23:25 UTC
"I have witnessed the log of the confrontation, Chaselon," Sir Deeter states emphatically. "Laira did nothing but follow the strict code of the Corps."

Around them, the voices of other Lanterns begin to raise in debate.


gl_corps June 16 2009, 16:31:39 UTC
Varix steps forward to Sir Deeter, skeptical.

"Cold-blooded slaughter may be commonplace on your medieval world, 'Sir' Deeter," Varix scoffs, skeptical at Deeter's title. "But where I come from..."


lanternslight June 16 2009, 16:55:46 UTC
Hal watches with interest. He avoids expressing an opinion about the incident; with his reputation, it would only exacerbate the anger already brimming.

"Thanks for reporting this, 'Wog," Hal mutters to his friend. "This situation looks ready to boil over."


gl_corps June 16 2009, 16:57:29 UTC
"No problem," Kilowog replies. "I figgered you'd wanna know about Amon Sur... and besides, if this situation gets much worse, I could use some help crackin' heads together to stop 'em from fightin'."


geek_lantern June 16 2009, 18:38:08 UTC
"Can anyone remember the smurfs calling us together for anything NOT dire?" Kyle shakes his head grimly.


lanternslight June 16 2009, 22:22:54 UTC
"That's just it," Hal frowns. "The Guardians didn't summon us here. We're here because Kilowog called us. But there sure are a lot of other big-name Lanterns present. Coincidence?"


blind_will June 16 2009, 22:37:18 UTC
Travis listens to the conversations going on with interest. He has his own opinions about what happened, but he also has, in his opinion, a bigger reason to stay quiet until things proceed somewhat further.

Instead, he's using the opportunity to seek out a couple of specific Lanterns while so many are gathered here.

"Ring, locate Green Lantern of sector including the planet Rann."


gl_corps June 16 2009, 22:46:43 UTC
Sure enough, the Rannian Lantern is there, his brow furrowed and watching the events. Vath Sarn is from a peaceful world, but he is a soldier through and through, having trained under Adam Strange.

He glances at Travis as he approaches.


blind_will June 16 2009, 22:50:20 UTC
"Lantern Sarn, we haven't met, but I've heard good things. I was hoping I could ask for something of a favor."


gl_corps June 16 2009, 22:52:44 UTC
He frowns. "What sort of favor, Lantern Grey?"

He's distracted by the debate, only listening with one ear.


gl_corps June 17 2009, 00:55:57 UTC
"I fail to see the problem here," Ash growls. "Amon Sur was a killer, and lethal force was enabled."

Ash himself hunts killers. Sure, this killer was alive, not undead. Still, one less killer left in the universe doesn't bother him any.


gl_corps June 17 2009, 01:04:46 UTC
"The problem is that he'd surrendered. We must hold ourselves to our own laws." Koltor Zal frowns. "Or else we're no better than those we enforce our laws against."


thegreenones June 17 2009, 04:22:23 UTC
"Time out!" She does the T-signal. "What exactly is the law?"


gl_corps June 17 2009, 04:26:14 UTC
"Lethal force is authorized against members of the Sinestro Corps and their allies," Stel explains.


gl_corps June 17 2009, 05:42:07 UTC
As if in answer to Hal's question, a green light fills the air, and the Guardians appear.

"We are here," one says.

"We realize the complexities the first new law may carry with it," another says.

"But it should be obvious that lethal force against a member of the Sinestro Corps is an officer's last resort," another Guardian states, her face still scarred from her battle with the Anti-Monitor during the Sinestro Corps War.

"To kill in a moment of overwhelming rage will not be tolerated, regardless of the circumstances," a fourth points out.

"Feeding negative emotion will only serve to threaten the universe," a fifth says.

"Laira of Sector 112, you have been suspended," a sixth explains. "You are facing charges of murder and are hereby stripped of your power ring and badge."


gl_corps June 17 2009, 05:42:51 UTC
"What?!" Laira insists. "He deserved to die!"


gl_corps June 17 2009, 05:44:19 UTC
"That will be determined at your trial," a Guardian states, holding out his hand as Laira's ring flies off her ring and to his palm.

"In order to support our new law and insure the enforcement of the next nine, we will be instating a new faction of the Green Lantern Corps."


blind_will June 17 2009, 05:50:32 UTC
That tells Travis everything he needed to know. They're already debating new laws without dealing with the repercussions of the newest one, and assuming their take on the law and its implications would be obvious to everyone, regardless of background. And now they've moved directly to enforcement of their interpretation.
"What's the new faction?"


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