The Reception

Apr 05, 2009 16:33

With the ceremony complete, they return to Titans base... where they are expecting many more individuals for the reception.

Garth is beaming, holding Tula's hand, as they enter the party.

aquagirl lorena marquez, j.d., "garth & tula wedding", kid devil, static, oracle, mal duncan, l-ron, tempest, jericho, zachary zatara, detective chimp, speedy mia dearden, fauna, changeling, aquaman, plastic man, green lantern hal jordan, starfire, halcyon, miss martian, omen, troia, flash wally west, max lord, cerdian, arsenal, superman, blue beetle, lian harper, captain marvel, green lantern kyle rayner, nightwing, karen duncan

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Comments 153

green_menagerie April 23 2009, 05:20:46 UTC
A green elephant blows bubbles at them as they enter.

He leans to the person next to him. "About time, really."


middle_amazon April 23 2009, 06:24:59 UTC
That happens a lot at these things. Notice that?"


aqua_chic April 26 2009, 01:00:46 UTC
"All the cool kids are doing it," Tula teases, sticking her tongue out and winking at them.

Still, hopefully Garth won't need that hand for awhile, because she's not letting go of it.


middle_amazon April 26 2009, 04:55:31 UTC
Donna laughs. "Hey, this one -" She takes Garth's shoulder. "Managed to be both very dignified and still give us a hard time."


princess_andr April 27 2009, 01:17:07 UTC
"Garth, Tula! Congratulations on your great joy!"

Weddings are a bit bittersweet for her, and she suspects they always will be. But that will not impede her delight in seeing her old friends reunited and happy again.


l33t_winged_bat April 28 2009, 06:10:17 UTC
Something she knows. She hands the alien princess a drink. "Where's Luum?"


notsmart April 28 2009, 16:35:53 UTC
Nearby, Max leans over to L-Ron.

"You don't suppose there's money in babysitting meta-children, is there?"


nation_tech April 28 2009, 16:36:29 UTC
"Who'd trust you with children, sir?"


hippie_shifter April 27 2009, 01:30:42 UTC
Aurora shakes her head in puzzlement. Garth is happy and smiling. This is good, as when she did see him smile, it rarely reached his eyes. He seems...lighter somehow, like he's put down a fully-loaded pack.

Tula...she doesn't know, aside from files. It still unnerves her - the whole "return from the dead" streak the capes seem to have. It seems...unfair in a way she can't quite put her finger on. Still, she accepts it like she accepts the other strange things that come with joining this life.

Yes, she's in the kitchen - like usual. She's set out a buffet for the folks as to make it less work on her. However, a small table is set aside. It has a tablecloth and what passes for the "good" china. There is a wine glass and a bottle of the best stuff is close by, ready to be uncorked.

The placard on the table reads: "Reserved for Madame Aphrodite"


trigon_jr April 28 2009, 11:52:47 UTC
Eddie is happily snacking on the buffet. He honestly knows hardly anything about Garth or Tula, and he only found out yesterday about the wedding, but he's more than willing to party with them.


onthecase April 28 2009, 16:28:45 UTC
A chimp moves beside Eddie, pulling from the fruit tray. "Hey, kid," the chimp greets. "How's it going?"


trigon_jr April 29 2009, 18:32:43 UTC
Eddie turns to the chimp with a mouth full of pineapple. "Pretty good," He swallows. Somehow meeting a talking chimpanzee didn't faze him. "I think I've seen you before, at the party on Outsider's Island, right?"


jd_clownin April 28 2009, 04:47:26 UTC
J.D. was set up and ready to go on a little upraised stage with her acoustic guitar and a microphone. She was providing some of the music for this. They had a sound system set up, but that was for later. Right now, JD was providing musical entertainment and would be taking requests.

Her first song she had spent about two weeks writing.

"Hey everyone! Let's get some mood music going, shall we? First song's mine, but after this I'm taking requests, but no Michael Jackson! I mean it!"

She strummed her guitar and began to sing.

You stay here, Batman. I'll go ask my aquatic friends if they've seen anything 'suspicious ( ... )


mrs_dibny April 28 2009, 04:59:39 UTC
What a time to walk in. The munchkin recovers faster. "Mommy! Look at da clown!" A giant rubbery hand waves like mad at JD as Allanah jumps up and down. "HI CLOWN!!!" she yells out.


jd_clownin April 28 2009, 05:03:23 UTC
"Hey kiddo," J.D. said happily, still holding the guitar, "You have any requests?" She'll play anything for a kid. Right now, she was a musical clown.


mrs_dibny April 28 2009, 05:11:03 UTC
"Hokey Pokey!" Her mother groans.

"Sweetie, that's not a very -"


greatest_zatara April 28 2009, 04:53:04 UTC
He didn't want to be here. No, seriously, he didn't want to be here. This whole hero set thing wasn't his stuff. Zach was still trying to make sense of why he was trying this 'Titans South' business in the first place, and yet here he was at a wedding reception apparently open to all Titans.

Oy vey.

He strode up to the gift table and left a wrapped box. Just so long as Zanna didn't show up, this shouldn't be too bad.


blue_blackbird April 28 2009, 05:16:16 UTC
For her part, Raven is keeping to the edge of the festivities. Her and wedding had a history. Her cloak is an odd color today, a light lilac.


greatest_zatara April 28 2009, 05:49:49 UTC
Well, there's at least one face he doesn't mind. Zach grabs them each a glass of punch and walks up to her, holding one out for her. "Hello there miss." He smiled. "No date?"


blue_blackbird April 28 2009, 06:02:44 UTC
The older woman looks up at him with violet, bird-like eyes. "Date?"


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