Microchallenge prompt #1: Implications

Mar 21, 2006 14:49

Title: Implications
Author: wabbitseason
Rating: G
Fandom: DCU, Gotham
Characters: Dick and Tim
Words: 240 words
Spoilers: Speculations on Cass' future; minor spoilers on the end of Batgirl?
Author's Note: I'm not actually sure where I'm going with this. I don't usually write about the Bat Family much.

Dick and Tim are on a rooftop. Tim grips a small cylindrical evidence container in one gloved hand. From their expressions, neither is too pleased with what they found at the crime scene. The carnage shows all the earmarking of someone they know. If they're right, the evidence in the cylinder will confirm that ugly suspicion.

"You don't actually think she'd..." Tim begins. The implication drifts over the Gotham night air among the dark sooty clouds. "She was one of us."

"Emphasis on was," Dick reminds him. "Look, I know you don't want to believe Cass could have done this, but you saw her those last few days. You heard how she pursued Shiva. You've always known there was that other side under the surface."

"There's more to a person than bloodlines," Tim replies, "you and I know that better than anyone." His gloved hand tightens around the cylinder like a large roll of pennies. "Someone wants us to believe Cass has gone over and I'm going to find out who."

"And what if you're wrong?" Dick asks, not adding the obvious. Tim could hold his own against the average fighter, but Cass was always in another league.

If that thought occurs to him, Tim does not show it, tucking the cylinder in his belt. Before he disappears into the night, he turns back to Dick and offers a thin-lipped smile. "It wouldn't be the first time, would it?"

prompt #1

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