Microchallenge prompt #1: Drabble: I know Kung Fu

Mar 21, 2006 12:00

Title: I know Kung Fu!
Author: Betty
Rating: PG-13, no warnings
Fandom: DCU, Gotham
Characters: Dick and Tim
Words: 100

Dick and Tim are on a rooftop. Dick's humming the theme song from Jeopardy. Tim's gripping a small cylindrical evidence container in one gloved hand.

"Is it... an item of... apparel?" says Tim, hating himself for having to ask.

"Yep," says Dick cheerfully, and kicks his heels against the side of the air conditioning unit he's sitting on.

Tim has three more questions, but he knows Dick's sense of humour.

"It's Superman's underwear, isn't it?" Tim almost hopes he's wrong.

"I was gonna say panties, but yep! Okay, my turn. Has it ever attempted to destroy the universe?"

Tim groans.

prompt #1

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