Title: Black Holes
Author: beauty0fparting
Word Count: 100
Concrit: Sure
Rating: G
A/N: I had no intention of writing anything but while listening to Shane Koyczan's Tomatoes, the idea came up. And I was compelled to do so. I apologize for the cheese.
Black Holes
One night, Jaejoong asks Yoochun, “What does your heart want to be when it grows up?”
Yoochun doesn’t bother to point out the oddness of the question and just answers, “I want it to be a licensed skydiver. That way, no matter how fast I fall, its chances of breaking are slim.”
Jaejoong nods and looks up at the sky, “I want mine to be a black hole.”
“Why would you want to suck the life out of everything?” Yoochun asks, completely puzzled.
“I don’t mean that. Time stops in a black hole. It’s the best place to keep you.”