Still (Drabble Challenge: Freefall)

Jul 26, 2010 03:20

Title: Still
Author: tarwen862003
Word Count: 200
Character: your choice
Rating: PG
Concrit: go ahead~

"It was worth it."

In the end, he wouldn’t have had it any other way if he could live it again.

Temptation is human’s greatest indulgence; it’s what causes and feeds into the seven deadly sins: pride, greed, envy, rage, sloth, gluttony, and lust.
Lust… the beginning of his freefall. With a single agreement from one of the members, their relationship became more and somehow spiraled out of control. He always believed that after the downs, the ups were close behind.

But all good things must come to an end…

To cope, there was alcohol. It started with one drink, which turned into multiple ones a few months later. It made him cognitive impairment to ever emotionally feel anything new…

Drugs followed to help ease the pain better; cocaine was the best substances of the ones he got to try. His heart rate is beating too fast for his body to handle any longer…

It was full life, that’s all that mattered.

“Stop inflicting more scars on yourself!”
“Don’t you want these wounds to heal at all?”

It's depression. He doesn’t know what those other people are talking about.
He’s at peace, in his corner in this white, cushioned room.

c: freefall, a: tarwen862003

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