Believer (Flashfic Challenge 46: I don't believe in angels)

Apr 18, 2010 05:40

Title: Believer
Author: beauty0fparting
Word Count: 567
Concrit: Sure
Rating: G
A/N: I didn't have the time to edit so please excuse typos.


There are lots of words that could describe Yoochun. Some say he's good-looking, some say he's not. Some think he's as fiiiiiiiiiiinnneee as silk linens could get. While some believes he's as much of a douche bag as a sinner who can't regret.

But Yoochun doesn't care about what Some thinks. Because Some doesn't matter. Some doesn't matter because Some isn't Jaejoong. And Jaejoong matters.

What Jaejoong think does too. Even if it shouldn't, it still would. There's no need for 'because' because there is no 'cause'. Well, maybe there is, but that's just too obvious.

So one night while contemplating on that very obvious, all-capitalized, four letter word that starts with L, Yoochun asks a roundabout way of asking, 'Do you like me?' and quietly mumbles, "What do you think of me?"

"I think," Jaejoong looks at him with eyes that suddenly turn into a microscope, scrutinizing every nanosecond of Yoochun's history, checking under every rock of his psychology, "'re a believer."

Yoochun's eyebrows immediately furrow as if reaching for one another the same way Narcissus reached for his reflection. "What?"

"It's a strength. But every strength can quickly become a burden." Jaejoong then twitches his lips into a smile that says, 'You'll figure it out soon.'

But rather than gifting him with an epiphany, circumstances pushes him to a face-off with obscurity. Every faith he has been keeping, every virtue he was raised to be practicing, is trembling and on the verge of breaking.

There's too much noise rattling in his ears, too much voices claiming truth, too much hands tampering when they could've been helping. And his problem doesn't lie on having none to believe in. It's on having too much strong faiths he can't let go of one.

His heart and mind are diving as if his whole life turned into this giant sudoku puzzle except instead of Numbers there are Words and Actions that just never seems to add up.

So he sits here alone on this lopsided swing in the middle of a deserted playground watching others play five year olds who are yet to know pointing fingers at people is rude. And when it finally got too much, he decides to follow the only one who matters. Street signs don't amount to anything when you don't know where you're going.

Yoochun feels that metal ball in his gut get heavier, dragging him down when everything takes a downturn to worse. He thinks maybe he needs more things to believe in, like maybe faith is something that needs a Plan B or a C or a D although that sorta defeats the purpose.

He tries to listen to Some and looks up to see what the fuss is about. He may not be fully convinced that one Big Boss sent His son to save him but it's comforting to know that there's a slight chance everything would un-fuck and fix itself as long as he asks.

Yoochun knows Jaejoong would see through him, through the anxiety, through the doubts. He remembers Jaejoong saying all he needed was Yoochun's eyes. They are binoculars to a personalized navigational system through his psyche. So he doesn't hold it in and like a held breath he lets go, "Do you believe in heaven? In angels?"

"I don't have to," Jaejoong smiles, gripping Yoochun's heart with his hand, and whispers, "I've got you."

a: beauty0fparting, c: i don't believe in angels

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