Pixel_Trade October Simsperiments

Nov 01, 2010 22:13

Just a fun breeding activity with some of the October Founders from pixel_trade that I downloaded before I decided to go ahead and do the challenge. I pretty much didn't even decide to do it until Saturday. *lol* I didn't get as much genetic diversity as is generally looked for but I like my offspring and am particularly enamored of a couple of them so I'm happy with them.

Besides, I need to start participating more, feel like I'm part of something again. So here we go.

[DISCLAIMER] The images of each generation's founders are supposed to be side by side, however because I'm already turning this in late I can't be bothered to ensure that they will appear as such for everyone. As bondchick_nett pointed out to me this all depends on the width of your layout. Everything's supposed to be centered, too, but it's not showing up correctly on my layout. I apologize if it's off-kilter for you as well. If I knew anything about tables or had the time to do more Photoshop editing I would fix this. That will be something for me to tackle next time.


For the most part I let the Sims choose their own LOVAHS with a little help from flirting and scoping out the lot so I knew who to give them that gentle nudge towards. The first two to fall into bed with each other:

sounseelie's Olivia October & goldencell's Windy Larson

Together they created the incredibly cute Havarti

Thus begins the "Guess the Naming Theme" portion of our challenge. XD

Our pretty elf-eared Havarti grew up and double-bolted at dark_moon689's Seth Olive

Together they had *drumroll* TWINS! A boy and a girl both of whom were also omg!cute. Introducing: Monterey Jack & Colby

I am so madly in love with Colby it's not funny! However I decided to carry on the simsperiment with Monterey Jack for a few reasons: I didn't have enough dudes, he was firstborn, and when I flipped a coin he won. So let's say goodbye to the adorable Colby.

And carry on with the drama that is Monterey Jack, who even after being chosen despite my overwhelming preference for his sister, refused to be attracted to anyone on the lot. *headdesk* I finally had to shove him at the person he was the least disgusted by, nekotaz's Alice October.
After much pushing and prodding they finally hooked up.

The resulting issue is my second favorite of this entire challenge-y type thing: Fontina

She's just so pretty!!
And it was really easy hooking her up with someone because as soon as she hit adulthood Chandra Osterberg by rhiannon_alexis was all over her like nobody's businees. XD

They were pretty sweet together. Their offspring is probably the most interesting-looking Sim that was produced.
May I present: Gruyere

All I can think is "The nose. Oh god, the nose." *lolol* However, though he was a tad boring he knew who he wanted immediately and went for it with jens_sims' Marigold Tobre first chance he got.

If possible, she was even more into him than he was into her (and what's funny is that I'd already started using her in a new legacy so she effectively cheated on her husband with Gruyere, but her husband cheats on her, too, so I suppose it evens out XD).

Their bubbly daughter (who inherited Alice's hair), Asiago

She also inherited her mother's gigantic eyeballs. Definitely an interesting mix of traits.

This was Generation Six and would be the end of the challenge, but I had another Founder wandering about the lot (and another that I didn't include because I changed their gender when I installed them and I didn't know if that would be okay for this) so by the power of "Why the hell not?" Asiago came together with upendoaushi's Frea Weiss.

(p.s. My brother actually chose which shot of Frea I should use because I couldn't decide. He chose this one because he said "she looks really sweet and playful". Since my brother isn't generally that helpful or specific I decided to use the pic. XD)

Frea and Asiago give us the last child of my go at this month's Simsperiments: Provolone

Ain't he a cutie?

And in case you missed it, the naming theme was "Cheese". No particular reason. Other than... well... I love cheese. XD

Hope everyone had a Happy Halloween!

All offspring are up for download. They come with all CC included (and some content that is not base game) so please be sure to use Clean Installer. If you would like a CC-free version of anyone please let me know and I'll figure out how to do it.


Credit for all CC used to their respective creators (a list which is too long for me to keep track of because I DL stuff all over the place haha).

Thank you for looking. Hope it turned out okay visually. haha I had fun and I hope you enjoyed this.


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