My SSI hearing was today

Nov 02, 2010 15:21

In a surprising turn of events the judge made a rare bench ruling right there at the hearing & AWARDED ME DISABILITY BENEFITS! In a few days I'll get an official letter stating to be followed by additional information re: the amount of my benefits & back payments, how I'll receive them & whatnot.

I kinda feel like it's a dream. Thank you so much to everyone that supported me and believed in me through all this, even when I didn't. I'm so relieved and happy.

I hope it won't take too long for all this to go through. From what I've read online it can take one to three months, depending. But then again apparently the judge doesn't usually announce their ruling at the hearing so you usually don't know what's gonna happen for another month or so afterwards. So maybe it won't take too long since my case went a little differently.

Either way I'm extremely grateful for this chance to get my life in order.
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