(no subject)

Jul 19, 2006 02:07

Title: Praying For Death From A Dark Angel
Author: Me
Paring: Vam
Rating: undecided
Warnings: angst and such
Disclaimer: Don’t own, don’t sue


Chapter One

When he turned around however, he noticed that it wasn’t Castle Bam. It was no where near Castle Bam. Ville sighed walking along the road in hopes of soon finding his way. He started muttering the words to one of his own songs when he was pushed from behind.

Ville tried to push himself up from the ground but he was quickly pushed back down. “Don’t you fucking dare move!” a voice from behind him said.

For once in his life Ville decided he’d actually listen. “O…okay.” He muttered quietly.

He was quickly pulled up and pushed behind one of the houses. He couldn’t see anything because it was too dark, he was frightened that this would be the last moment of his life. Later he would hope that it had been.

He felt the man’s hand tighten around his neck and then move forward. Lips on his neck were the last thing Ville felt before he blacked out.

He woke up a little while later with a strong hunger for something and a sharp pain in his neck. He reached his hand up to rub the sting from his neck when he felt two small marks. “What the fuck?” He muttered before he got up and started walking. He had to find Bam’s place soon.

He walked for what seemed like hours before he finally ended up at a familiar road. He started making his way down it, coming up to a red Hummer and a purple PT Cruiser. Or as Bam liked to call it, Ape’s PT Looser. Ville chuckled again at his friends childishness.

He ran quickly up to the door and knocked softly hoping that someone was still awake, on rule in Castle Bam, never fall asleep. When no one answered Ville knocked harder. “Come on Bammie, open the door!” Ville muttered before he started pounding on the door.

Finally he head footsteps down stairs then come to stop in front of the unicorn clad doors. The door swung open and Ville was met with a sleepy looking Bam. He smiled at his friends mussed hair. Looking down Ville realized Bam was only wearing boxers, he smirked.

“What the fuc- VILLE! Oh my god!” Bam yelled embracing the Finn and almost picking him off the floor. Ville got an odd feeling when his face was pressed up closer to Bam’s neck. “Come on in! Why’d you come man?” Bam asked pulling Ville into the castle and sitting down on the couch. He motioned for Ville to sit beside him.

“Oh don’t be happy to see me.” Ville said pouting out his bottom lip, he felt a sudden sting and noticed that he had bit his lip. “Owe fuck!” He hissed pulling it back in and sucking on it softly. That only seemed to make it worse. He pushed his tongue up to inspect his teeth, they were sharper than normal. “What the fuck?” He muttered to himself.

“What’s wrong Vil?” Bam asked looking at his friend, concern filling his eyes.

“Oh nothing, just bit my lip by accident.” Ville replied still not looking at his friend.

“So again, why are you here? Usually you call.” Bam said scooting closer to Ville.

“Oh just bored, so I decided I’d drop in. Did you get my message?” Ville asked almost completely forgetting about his busted lip, until he started sucking on it again.

“No I don’t think so, and stop sucking on that thing. Eww dude.” Bam said swatting at Ville, but not even touching him.

Ville stuck his tongue out at Bam, it was now covered in his own blood. What the fuck is going on with me? Ville thought to himself. First the bite marks, sharp teeth, then the blood lust? He didn’t understand it.

“What’s wrong Ville? I can tell you’re thinking about something. Please tell me?” Bam asked, taking his friends hand in his own.

”I got.. mugged on the way here. Just a little worried about that.” Ville hated lying to Bam, but what could he tell him?

“Oh Ville!” Bam said embracing his friend in a tight hug. Ville’s face was yet again pressed close to Bam’s neck. Ville could barely keep from leaning in and tasting Bam. That didn’t scare him, but what he wanted to taste did. He already wondered what that dark creature in the night was.

A/N: okay this chapter sucked, but ahh… *shrugs* I hope it wasn’t THAT bad. *gives you all Vammie cookies and milk* Comments are LOVE!

pfdfada, vam

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