(no subject)

Jul 18, 2006 20:22

Title: Razorblade Romance
Author: Lindze
Rating: PG for right now, stronger later
Disclaimer: I own two HIM CDs and Viva La Bam Season 1 DVD, but that’s all…
Notes: Flashbacks are in italics

Chapter one / Chapter two / Chapter three / Chapter four

Chapter Five

After school Bam followed Ville home again, but only to stop off at his house and put his stuff up and tell his mother where he’d be. Then they were on their way to Bam’s house. Bam occasionally dropped his board to skate a small ways then stopped and walked with Ville again.

When they arrived at Bam’s house they went up to his room only stopping to say their ‘hellos’ to Bam’s parents who were setting in the living room.

“So Ville… Can you tell me anything yet?” Bam asked sitting at the end of his bed, next to Ville.

Ville looked away. “Can… Can I trust you Bam Bam? Can I really trust you?” Ville asked looking down at his feet and clasping his hands together.

“Of course Ville. I’ve only known you since yesterday, but it already feels like forever. I mean, how fucked is that?” Bam asked chuckling softly.

“Not as fucked as what I’m about to tell you. Now Bam promise me you won’t tell a soul?” Ville asked looking into Bam’s eye’s finally. Ville’s eyes were full of tears threatening to spill at any second.

“Of course Ville, you can tell me anything.” Bam said taking Ville’s hand in his own.

Ville gave him a soft smile then turned himself so he was facing Bam, and Bam did the same. Bam never let go of Ville’s hand. “Okay… Bam.. Back in Finland I had a few best friends. Friends I trusted with my life. There’s Midge, Linde, and…” Ville trailed off, whipping of a stray tear from his cheek. “and oddly enough a boy named Erik.”

Bam nodded and waited for Ville to go on. “Well… as I said I trusted them with my life, and just knew I could tell them anything and everything. Well Bammie… I was wrong.” Ville let his tears fall, he squeezed Bam’s hand tighter. “Well… Bam, one thing I should tell you first is that… Well I’m gay.” Ville said looking away. He thought that Bam was going to jerk his hand away, but he didn’t. he just looked intently at Ville waiting for him to go on. “Well… When I told them.. Midge and Linde were okay with it. They hugged me and told me nothing was different…. But Erik didn’t think that…” Ville started to cry even more and Bam’s eye’s started to well up a little with tears of his own. “At first it was just name calling and shit… He stopped hanging out with Midge and Linde and I… Then… Then it got worse. One night… He.. He got drunk and came to my house. Ironically it was a night that all my family were gone for the night.” Ville said scoffing. “But he came into my house… He… and he… Bam…. He…” Ville trailed off as he started to sob.

Bam was crying also, but he just pulled Ville into a tight embrace letting him cry on his shoulder. “God Ville… I can’t believe you had to go through that. That’s the worst thing that could ever happen to a person.” Bam said kissing the top of Ville’s head without even thinking about it.

“You’d think…” Ville muttered.

“What do you mean? Ville what else happened?” Bam pulled the Finn up slightly, looking into his eyes.

“I’m sure you noticed that… That it was only my mom and I…” Ville trailed off.

“Oh god Ville what else happened to you?” Bam said almost sobbing himself.

“I came out to my mom… she was fine with it… she didn’t mind at all. She said that she would love me no matter what… but when my father found out… it was different. He got angry… he… hit me… Then he started blaming my mother, because it couldn’t just be my own will, and it could never have been him. That’s why… that’s why my mom and I are here… We had to get out.” Ville started crying again, laying his head back on Bam’s shoulder.

“Oh my god Ville. I’m so sorry that you had to go through any of that…. But it’s all over now, you have me. I’m here for you Ville.” Bam said pulling the Finn up softly and looking into his eyes. He was captured by those eyes.

“Thank… Thank you Bam.” Ville muttered before he leant in the small space more and captured Bam’s lips in a soft kiss. Ville softly ran his tongue over Bam’s bottom lip almost pleading for entrance. Bam opened his mouth slightly and welcomed Ville’s tongue.

“Oh my god!” Ville shrieked pulling back. “I’m so sorry Bam!” He said as he jumped off the bed and ran out of the room, and straight out of the house.

Bam jumped up and raced after Ville. “Ville don’t run! Stop Ville!” He chased the Finn out of the house and a block down the street before Ville had to stop to breathe. When Bam caught up with him he looked like he was about to pass out.

“Ville, Ville! Take your fucking inhaler!” Bam almost yelled, shaking the Finn.

“Don’t… Don’t… forgot it… Home…” Ville said before he fell to the ground.

Bam had immediately picked up his friend and rushed him back to Ville’s house. He had to have an inhaler there. He only hesitated when he realized he had to reach into Ville’s tight pants pocket to get the key to the house. Then he realized that he didn’t really care about that, as long as Ville was okay.

Ville’s mother came in when she heard the door slam open. “Oh my god! Bam what happened?”

Bam laid Ville on the couch then ran to find his friends inhaler. The first place he looked was in the cabinet he had seen Ville look in before. He found one and raced over puffing it twice into Ville’s mouth. “Come on Ville breathe!” Bam urged. When he finally heard his friend’s breathing become more regular he looked up to Ville’s worrying mother. “We had… a talk, and he got upset. He ran from my house and I chased him a block, before he stopped to breathe. I got to him right before he fell.” Bam decided to leave out the part about them kissing.

“Thank god you were there Bam.” Ville’s mother said. “Just watch him for a while, I have work to attend to. I think he’ll be okay now.”

“Yes mam.” Bam said, not even realizing that was probably the first time in his life that he had called a women ‘mam’.

He went around the couch and sat down beside it. He looked at his friends face. He slowly raised his hand and cupped Ville’s cheek. “Come on Ville, wake up. Don’t do this, wake up.” Bam kept muttering trying to wake his friend.

Ville slowly blinked his eyes open. “You… You saved me?” Ville questioned breathlessly.

Bam smiled. “Of course you ass. I had to. You looked so pitiful there I just had to save your scrawny ass.” Bam joked.

Ville let out a breathily laugh. “Thank you, but… why?”

“Because as I said you looked pitiful.” Bam said laughing softly.

“No… Why’d you chase me?”

“Because I had to. You ran out being a stupid ass thinking that kiss was just one sided, and so I ran after you chasing you for a block. I thought you’d at least last longer than a blo-“ he was cut off by Ville speaking.

“Wait… it wasn’t one sided?” Vile questioned trying to sit up slowly.

“You interrupted me.” Bam said crossing his arms.

“Bam, was it one sided or not?” Ville asked getting a little aggravated.

Bam just looked away and pouted out his bottom lip.

“Oh come on! Okay, I’m sorry I interrupted you. Now please Bam, was the kiss one sided or not?” Ville asked again, almost not wanting to hear the answer in fear that his friend had just been kidding.

Bam cupped Ville’s cheek again and pulled him closer looking deep into his emerald eyes. “What do you think ya n’idiot?” He said chuckling before he closed the gap and took Ville’s mouth into a hot passionate kiss, that gave Ville ever answer he needed.

A/N: So what’d ya think? I was quite surprised I got this chapter out. I mean… I didn’t think the kiss would be so soon, but I never know what’s going to happen, even when I’m writing something. *laughs* I hope you all liked it, but don’t start thinking that boy sex is coming soon, Ville’s had too much of a rough time for that. Sorry. *smiles and give out Vam cookies*

vam, rr

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