What a Wicked Game To Play

Jan 20, 2008 01:49

Title: What a Wicked Game To Play
Author: Lindze
Pairing: Vam of course, and a little Bam/Missy
Rating: Not much yet, it’s just getting started.
Summary: I don’t like giving much away, but I will say it’s going to be an MPreg.
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything, but it looks to me like Bam and Ville own each other!

Ville sat alone in his hotel room drumming his fingers on the end table next to his bed. He had an almost fully ash cigarette between his fingers, but he didn’t really notice it. That’s not what he was thinking about. He was on his band’s world tour for his newest album, and he hadn’t known that he would be passing through West Chester.

It’s not that he didn’t want to see him, he just didn’t know how he would break the news to his friend… or lover… or whatever they were now. Ville didn’t exactly know, not since Bam had gotten married, had a child, and then later divorced his wife. Ville had never really known where they stood, but he couldn’t help but love the American skater.

A new year was coming up in the next few days, and Ville knew that meant that he hadn’t seen his skater boy in at least four months. It wouldn’t seem like a long time to most people, but to Ville, especially lately, a day seemed like a year. He knew that his body was changing each day, just a little bit more. He wished that it had never happened, and he still barely understood how it did, but he knew that he wouldn’t be like anyone else around him. No, there were just certain things that Ville didn’t believe in.

Ville finally looked over to his cigarette, which had completely burnt down by that point. He sighed as he let the butt of it go into the ash tray, then he rolled over and buried his head into his pillow. He wanted to cry, but his tears had long run dry. He knew he shouldn’t be smoking, and he really knew he shouldn’t have had the two shots of Vodka he had earlier that afternoon. He just couldn’t take the thought of going to his show later and putting on a happy face, knowing that his skater boy would be in the balcony, and that he would be looking down on him.

Ville knew that when… or if Bam found out he would not like the idea one bit. He didn’t like the idea with Missy, so why would Ville be any different. His eyes felt dry, and his head felt warm. His back was already starting to hurt, and his stomach was in knots, and not just because of the blue eyed man he knew he would see that night. He was scared, really scared, and he didn’t know how he would tell his best friend of so many years, of what they together, had started.

He squinted his eyes shut hoping that it would somehow make them less dry, but he knew that it wouldn’t work. He had been crying for so long now, almost three full months. He would lie in bed, weather on the tour bus or in a hotel room, and cry himself to sleep every night. He just didn’t have any tears left for that night.

He wished that he had someone he could talk to about what was going on with him. He hadn’t even told his band mates, and he was thoroughly shocked that they hadn’t noticed any changes yet. He just knew if they had, no one had made a comment about it yet. He felt that none of his friends would understand what he was going through. All of them had been in happy relationships for quite some time, and most of them had thought Ville was not even perched on the fence, let alone full blown in love with another man. He knew they wouldn’t care, he just didn’t feel like telling them. Bam was his, he felt, and he wanted to keep it a secret for as long as he could. Or at least that’s what he had wanted.

When he and Bam had first gotten together it was before his Projekt Revolution Tour, before either of them had been through rehab. He was in love with Bam then, and still was. He had really tried to quit drinking, and so had Bam, but after they started to fade apart, they both got on the wagon again.

They never really meant to fall away, but Bam had gotten married, and Ville couldn’t stay with him like that anymore. Ville hated Audio and Element for making Bam go through with his very unholy union, and he would never forgive them. The only good thing that had come from it, was Ville finding out that Bam didn’t want a family, because Missy left him shortly after she had their child, but Ville really didn’t know if that was a good thing to know, or a bad thing.

He longed so much to cry, he longed so much to be held by his skater boy, and he longed so much to be able to tell him what was going on, and for them to live happily ever after. Ville couldn’t really see that happening though, he was never much for optimism. He was a pessimist through and through, and everyone around him knew it. He just always felt it was better to know things were going to turn out bad, then to hope they would turn out good, then have everything fall to pieces.

Ville rolled over again and looked to his alarm clock. It was still some time before he needed to head out for his show, and as he lay there thinking about how much he loved his skater boy, and how much he knew Bam would loathe him for what he was going to tell him, and with those thoughts the Finn passed out. He hadn’t even turned out the light, and he didn’t even care if he slept through the show, actually he would have welcomed a good long sleep for once in many, many months.


I know it’s been a long time, but I hope it’s liked, and I REALLY want to write more on it if people want it. Comments= *maybe* boysex SOON!


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