Definatly not your grandma's fic lol.

Dec 02, 2006 23:40

Title: Take the Photographs and Still Frames In Your Mind
Author: Me, Lindze
Paring: Vam of course, and Jonne/Ville cuteness
Rating: PG-13 or so I think…
Disclaimer: Don’t own shit…
Summary: Ville and Bam fought, but will it be their last?
Notes: Not a fluff fic, I wrote it as a one-shot but it may become more if people want more.

Bam sat at the end of his bed, pictures spread out all around him. He cried, he cried like he had been crying for the past few days. The past few days since his best friend stormed out the door and left him. He left him all alone and dead inside. They had fought, they had fought like they never had before. It hurt, Bam knew it had hurt both of them, but Bam felt worse. At least that’s what he thought.

Another turning point
A fork stuck in the road
Time grabs you by the wrist
Directs you were to go
So make the best of this test
And don’t ask why
It’s not a question
But a lesson learned in time

Ville sat in his room, bottles scattered around him. He hadn’t left his hotel room once since he and Bam had fought. He had barely left his bed except to get another beer from the mini-fridge. He felt horrible, and he knew Bam felt the same. It had been their biggest fight yet, and Ville was crushed. He couldn’t even remember what it was over, but at the time he couldn’t remember much. He had, had too much to drink and even he knew it. He was drowning his sorrows, and he never thought he would be doing that. He could usually just go to his best friend and feel better about things that were troubling him, but this time it was his friend who was troubling him. He hated it, he hated himself, he hated Bam. At least he wanted to.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door bringing him from his thoughts, or lack-there-of. He got up slowly to answer it, hoping though that it was Bam and they would make up. When he got to the door and looked out the peep-hole his heart dropped five stories down. It wasn’t Bam, but he opened the door anyway.

“What do you want Jonne?” Ville asked. He had been on tour with Jonne’s band, Negative. They had a break in West Chester, a month long break. Ville and his band had taken up residence in a hotel not far from Bam’s house, and Negative had done the same. Ville didn’t have a problem with the singer, but he wasn’t in the mood for company at the moment.

Jonne walked farther into the room and sat on the queen sized bed making a face. “This place looks horrible. You need a maid.” Jonne said, not even answering Ville’s question.

Ville rolled his eyes and pulled another beer from the fridge offering it to Jonne. The other Finn took it with a smile and opened it, taking a sip. “So what do you want Jonne?” Ville asked again, sitting down beside Jonne.

“You need to get out, have fun for a while. You’re getting all not-Ville-ish and it’s just not right.” Jonne said patting Ville on the back.

“I don’t need to get out or have fun. I need to drink, and drink a lot. How is that being…. Not-Ville-ish?” Ville asked looking over at Jonne.

He shrugged. “I don’t know, Midge just said I should come in and get your ass out of this place. Said that he couldn’t and neither could Linde and he thought my sexy-ness could get you out of here.” Jonne said smirking.

“You added that last part, they wouldn’t say that, and I don’t want to get out. Especially not with your… sexy-ness.” Ville said rolling his eyes again.

“So maybe I added the last part…. You wanna talk about it?” Jonne asked looking at Ville seriously. It surprised Ville.

Ville sighed laying back on the bed and almost spilling his beer. “Bam and I had a fight.”

“Ahh, lover’s tiff.” Jonne said laying back also and turning on his side to look at Ville. “So what was it about?”

“As crazy as it sounds I can’t for the life of me remember.” Ville said almost laughing.

“So why are you here? Why aren’t you over at Bam’s getting this all fixed up?” Jonne asked slowly running his beer bottle-free-hand up and down Ville’s arm.

“I don’t know… I just keep thinking that he’ll show up here.”

“Hon, it’s Bam we’re talking about, he won’t show up and say he’s sorry. You know him, he’s not like that. He’ll just let it settle and kill him slowly. He’s never one to say ‘sorry’ first.”

It’s something unpredictable
But in the end it’s right
I hope you had the time of your life

Bam kept crying, he just couldn’t help it. He loved Ville and he wanted Ville to know that. He hated that they had fought, but he couldn’t even remember what it was about. It was just another stupid fight. That’s all that ever happened with them. At least the past while that Ville had off, staying in West Chester to be around Bam for a while.

“Hey Bam Bam.” Bam heard a voice behind him. He knew who it was.

“Hey Dunn. What’s up?” He asked as Dunn walked in and sat beside Bam on the floor.

“Midge called, he said that Ville hasn’t come out of his room since he stormed into his room the other day. He wants to know what happened.” Dunn said rubbing his friend on the back when he started to cry more.

“I fucked it all up!” Bam cried. “We had a fight and I fucked it all up, now he’ll never love me back!” Bam almost screamed.

“Woah dude, calm down. You already know Ville loves you. Just get you ass over there and apologize before something bad happens.” Dunn said. Bam looked at him with a worried look.

“What do you mean?”

“Midge and Linde couldn’t get Ville to come out of the room so they sent… They sent Jonne in to get him out. You know Jonne, you never know what he’s going to do.”

“And I also know that Ville used to have a crush on that little…” Bam trailed off. “You don’t think Ville would do anything do you?”

“You never know… Midge said he’d been drinking… a lot.”

“I’ve got to call him or something. Can… Can I be alone please?” He asked his friend nicely. Dunn nodded and got up walking out of the room.

Bam grabbed his cell phone quickly dialing Ville’s number.

So take the photographs
And still frames in your mind
Hang it on a shelf of good health
And good time
Tattoos of memories
And dead skin on trial
For what it’s worth
It was worth all the while

Ville was snuggled up to Jonne, crying over Bam. Jonne just let him explain how much he loved him and how much he had fucked up everything. Jonne would only interrupt to say that Ville hadn’t done anything and everything would be okay, that the odd American skater loved him way too much to let this be the end.

“But I can’t apologize! You know that.” Ville said sobbing more. Suddenly his phone rang. He picked it up and looked at the caller ID. It was Bam.

His mind and heart fought to win against the other. One told him to answer and beg for forgiveness and the other told him to just let Bam be upset about it for a little bit longer. They fought so long that the ringing finally ended.

“FUCK!” Bam yelled, throwing his cell phone across the room. He hated this and he wanted to hate Ville. He picked up one of the pictures of the two of them, taking it and ripping it in half. “That little…” He trailed off as he started to cry again. He decided that he would just go over and talk to him, maybe his cell phone was messed up or something. He got in his Hummer and started to drive to the hotel, only making one quick pit-stop along the way.

It’s something unpredictable
But in the end it’s right
I hope you had the time of your life

Jonne was running his hands through Ville’s hair and was on his second beer since he had entered Ville’s room. He looked around the room noticing littered paper all over the floor and beer bottle’s everywhere. He thought Ville was almost asleep. Suddenly there was a knock at the door and Jonne slipped out from under the sleeping singer to go to the door.

When he looked out it was Bam. He opened the door and let the skater in, not even thinking twice. Suddenly he was punched square in the nose by Bam. “Owe fuck! What was that for?” Jonne demanded, holding his nose.

“For trying to get with my boyfriend!” Bam yelled, getting in Jonne’s face.

“Your boyfriend?” Bam turned around. Ville was standing at the foot of the bed and looked angry. He walked over to Jonne and helped him into the bathroom getting a washcloth and wetting it, putting it over the other Finn’s nose. “Hold that there while I go talk to him.” Jonne nodded, sitting on the toilet.

“What was all that about?” Ville asked, still angry.

Bam was sitting at the end of the bed crying. “I thought he was trying to get with you.” He said in a sheepish voice.

“Well do you think I would have let him? And what the fuck was with that ‘my boyfriend’ shit?” Ville demanded an answer.

“I’m sorry, it just slipped. And no, I don’t think you would have let him, but Jonne is manipulative! You know that!” Bam yelled standing up and getting closer to Ville who was standing in front of the wall.

“And you’re a dick but I somehow love you anyway! Jonne wouldn’t try anything with me, and he didn’t!” Ville yelled back.

“So what was going on when I came over? Why didn’t you answer my call?” Bam yelled again.

“Because I couldn’t decide if I wanted to talk to you or not yet and Jonne was fucking comforting me thank you very much!”

“Oh..” Bam said dejectedly. “But you still could have answered my call! And I don’t like you hanging around him alone!” He started yelling again. He got up in Ville’s face, backing him up against the wall and pinning him to it.

“Bam get off me!”

“No! I want to know why you said you love me! You said it just a second ago!”

“Because I do you fucker, Bam get the fuck off of me!”

Bam grabbed Ville’s hands and forced them above his head, holding him still. “But I love you Ville, and this seems to be the only way to show you that! You won’t listen to me any other way. I love you Ville Valo.”

“And I loved you, but Bam please stop, you’re scaring me!”

“What you don’t love me anymore?” Bam asked pulling at Ville’s wrist then slamming them back down on the wall. Ville let out a yelp.

“Yes, but Bam stop please! What have you drunk, what have you taken, what’s going on with you?” Ville pleaded trying to push away from Bam.

“Something Novak had, it was nice, made me stop feeling the pain. Now tell me, do you love me or not! Do you want me Ville?” Bam asked licking at Ville’s neck and biting down softly.

Ville willed his growing erection to go away but to no avail. “FUCK YOU!” Ville yelled trying to push at Bam.

Finally Jonne came back in the room slowly and hit Bam over the head with a hand-held mirror that had been in the bathroom. Bam quickly fell back on to the bed. “Oh my god what have I done?” Jonne almost yelled. “He isn’t dead is he?”

“No. He’ll be back in a few minutes. Just stand your ground he took something and he’s a little crazy.”


Just then Bam came to, rubbing his head. “Owe fuck!” He hissed.

“Bam get out!” Ville said.

“But… but don’t do this Ville, don’t give up on us.”

“There is no us if it’s going to be like this. I’m not giving up on us, I’m giving up on you like this. Come back when you’re not fucked up.” Ville said pointing to the door.

“But please Ville! Don’t do this!” Bam pleaded.

“Just go Bam! Leave and come back when you’ve slept this off and you have your mind right! Please, for me, for us?”

“No, if I leave now there’s no coming back. And you can’t either.” Bam said sighing. “I’ve tried too much with this, I can’t do it anymore.”

“Fine then…” Ville trailed off and Bam looked up smiling, thinking that Ville had changed his mind. “Good riddance Bam. Forever.”

“But.. no you can’t do this! What about us?”

“You killed us the second you took whatever you took. You know how I feel about drugs. Just go Bam.” Ville said with tears in his eyes.

“Well good fucking riddance to you too Ville! His fucking infernal majesty my ass!” Bam said walking out of the room.

Ville wanted to run after Bam, to tell him everything was okay, to hug him, to kiss him, but he knew he couldn’t. It was over, and most likely forever. Ville collapsed onto the bed, and Jonne lay next to him, cuddling up to him. “It’ll be okay Vil, don’t worry.”

“No, it won’t. I need him.”

“And he needs you. But it will all turn out okay. You’ll see.” Jonne wished he could believe in what he was saying, but he just didn’t know.

I hope you had the time of your life…


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