One Small Step Towards Indexing

Jul 23, 2019 00:40

Woke up after hitting snooze a few times. My phone apparently didn't charge.

The recording for a webinar for which I lost sound is up at work. Good. Submitted the items for the computer system conversion that are due tomorrow.

Picked up my prescriptions on the way home. A woman who worked at the pharmacy was ahead of me in line. She said that she ( Read more... )

disney, school, work, side hustle

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Comments 2

intenselee July 23 2019, 21:16:53 UTC
Fax machine to straight VOIP? Nope. You'd need to buy an Analog VOIP Gateway piece of hardware (couple hundred dollars), and an Analog Telephony Adapter ($50 or so) at the very least to make it work. If the other end is fax, the systems still have to end up going out via the telephone line...blah blah. It's usually more complicated than it is worth unless You have a deep institutional budget, but it is doable if You are a small guy. You'd just have to spend some bucks. If a landline is available, it really is preferable for FAX. :)


days_unfolding July 24 2019, 03:57:38 UTC
Hmm. Maybe I'll try one of those online fax companies that operate via e-mail at first. I'll look into a landline if and when I need one.


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