Zara Is a Goofball

Feb 11, 2019 01:00

I'm glad that I'm waiting until after the San Jose trip to start my diet. This gives me the chance to get into the habit of going to the gym first.

Woke up at 10 AM. The snow is coming down at a pretty good clip.

Fed the girls and peace reigned over the land. For the moment.

Studied Spanish flashcards.

Zara always goes flying into the microwave box ( Read more... )

spanish, diet, weather, zara, work, travel, cats, exercise

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Comments 2

nonnichan February 12 2019, 20:04:29 UTC
My cat, Fig, does that after I feed him too. :P

Hope there's no shutdown.


days_unfolding February 13 2019, 18:38:22 UTC

Thanks! I had thought that most cats go sleep after being fed, but not Zara. First she's manic and then she goes to sleep.


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