Cleaning to Get a Cleaner

Aug 24, 2023 20:46

I found a money-belt-type wrap on Facebook and ordered one. I could keep my phone, ID, etc. in it when I take my flights.

I had planned to get up early to get things done, but--you guessed it--I overslept.

I had a good session with the life coach. She keeps me from going in the weeds and getting overwhelmed. She has me writing lists. I think that ( Read more... )

sleep, weather, cleaning, life coach, bicycle, san francisco, weight loss, travel

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Comments 8

days_unfolding August 25 2023, 02:18:23 UTC

Holy cow, we have the mother of all storms going on. Zara, who usually takes storms in stride, is agitated.


harbourwitch August 25 2023, 10:41:58 UTC
I would recommend an even lower frame for you something more like this: the one you are looking at does call itself low, but you will still have to put in some effort to get your foot over the frame.


days_unfolding August 25 2023, 11:50:32 UTC

How about this (if it's still on sale when I get back from my trip):


harbourwitch August 25 2023, 13:22:38 UTC

Yes, that's a nice low frame, will be easy to get on 👍


harbourwitch August 25 2023, 10:49:55 UTC
Oh, and another point against that second bike you found - I would most certainly advise you against spending almost a 1000 dollars on an errand bike you will be leaving unattended often. Honestly, my advice is to go as cheap as you can get away with. Sure, you can buy an expensive lock for it, but ultimately, if a thief wants your bike, they will crack even the most secure lock, as you will see from lock reviews. Buy something cheap, which will both make it less attractive to thiefs and won't make you as sad if someone does steal it.


days_unfolding August 25 2023, 11:51:11 UTC

Good point. Maybe I'll go for the cheaper bike


one_raido August 26 2023, 02:30:07 UTC

How can somebody who comes in to clean say that? That's ridiculous


days_unfolding August 26 2023, 02:46:54 UTC

I think that she wanted to wipe a few crumbs off the table and call it a day.


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