Storm Warning

Jul 26, 2023 22:59

Okay, I booked the Holiday Inn O'Hare for the night before the Hawaii trip.

Handyman guy was here and gone. He installed the screen for the screen door and the toilet paper holder. He said that the roof guy will need to trim the trees before he can clean the gutters. I said that I'll check on the money.

We had a major storm this afternoon. The ( Read more... )

maui, sleep, weather, mom's house, travel, hawaii

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Comments 4

lenine2 July 27 2023, 05:36:23 UTC

We had a major storm hit around 4 AM. It was loud! Another hit at 9:30 AM and took out the Bug Tussel tower that gives us our internet. It was a horrible two hours. Made me realize I am far too addicted to being online.

At least our power didn't go out, like yours did. That's such a pain, having to reset all of the clocks.


days_unfolding July 28 2023, 04:02:55 UTC

Oh yikes. Loss of Internet access would mess me up too. I work online and spend a lot of time online.

Luckily, I have only one clock plugged in, so it was no big deal. Charging my phone would be an issue, though, if the power went out for a long time.


ragnarok_08 July 27 2023, 17:43:16 UTC
Oh man that sounds like quite the storm!


days_unfolding July 28 2023, 04:03:05 UTC

It was!


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