So. Freaking. Tired.

May 09, 2023 00:24

I ordered a TRTL neck pillow for travel. I hope that it's as good as its reviews say.

Ugh. Gardener guy hasn't showed up yet. Mower guy, on the other hand, is coming early. He discussed the branches with me and said that he would bag them up and set them out for pickup. And he did.

Ack! Mom's bank questioned one of my transactions and wound up ( Read more... )

deanna, food, mom, sleep, travel, hawaii

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Comments 8

ragnarok_08 May 9 2023, 05:39:36 UTC
That does sound exhausting!


days_unfolding May 10 2023, 01:23:00 UTC

It is. I'm thinking of going to sleep early.


kensmind May 9 2023, 13:54:59 UTC

No wonder you're exhausted. You're dealing with so many things and so many tradespeople.


days_unfolding May 10 2023, 01:23:29 UTC

I told a colleague that I felt like an air traffic controller.


one_raido May 9 2023, 15:06:29 UTC
Set your date for Hawaii. There will always be something that comes up and these days you can deal with it there just as well.


days_unfolding May 10 2023, 01:24:31 UTC

My dad convinced me that I should go to Hawaii in the fall. Instead, I'm going to a spa/hotel near the shore of Lake Michigan soon.


sleepybadger May 11 2023, 02:42:27 UTC
I feel like dealing with all of the stuff around death is just so freaking exhausting. There's so much to do and the grief is so much to deal with all by itself.


days_unfolding May 11 2023, 02:59:08 UTC



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