
Jan 18, 2023 21:49

I had a self-esteem moment. I realized that I accomplished everything that I set out to do last fall (well, I'm still wrapping up the move, but I'll get it done). Move the things that I wanted from my aunt's house? Check. Move the things that my mom wanted from my aunt's house? Check. Get good enough grades in my classes to continue with the ( Read more... )

organizing, lance, clases, aging, self-esteem, move, chores, books, food, yoga, exercise, tai chi, library

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Comments 14

dadi January 19 2023, 05:28:52 UTC
You sure have a lot of reasons to be proud of yourself! I am very much in awe of all the things you managed to do since last fall, all on your own! Kudos!


days_unfolding January 20 2023, 05:34:29 UTC



harbourwitch January 19 2023, 11:03:36 UTC
You could also buy a box and store your utensils in that box in a cupboard. A see-through plastic box is always a good choice because you can see what's inside.


days_unfolding January 20 2023, 05:35:37 UTC

There was a shallow drawer in which I put some utensils, but I'll keep the clear box in mind for others. Thanks.


sleepybadger January 19 2023, 13:17:06 UTC
You have accomplished a TON and you SHOULD be proud of yourself! Way to go!!!

When Zen moved in with me, trying to find a place for kitchen utensils was (and continues to be!) a process. Are there cabinets where you could store stuff like baking things in bins?


days_unfolding January 20 2023, 05:36:45 UTC


There are some lower cabinets, but I need to unpack my pots and pans first to see how much room they take.


kensmind January 19 2023, 17:35:07 UTC

The Apple Watch has motivated me to keep mobile and I really think it helps. The watch doesn't set any step goals, but it does count steps and I set a personal goal of at least 10,000 every day, which, with my sedentary lifestyle, usually requires some kind of a walk to meet that goal. When I was in Cranbrook last time, I got into the habit of walking to work (about 2 km.) even in the snow. I'm hoping I can keep that up when I return because that knocked off a lot of steps each day. The thought of aging scares me at times, but I've resolved not to go down without a fight.


days_unfolding January 20 2023, 05:39:25 UTC

I kind of covet an Apple Watch, but I don't have an I-Phone. I think that Google might have come up with an equivalent?

I got winded carrying a stack of books one block, so I have a long way to go. But I need to get in the habit of walking and work up.


sunshine_two January 19 2023, 18:02:48 UTC
well done! I'd like to see a picture of your living room when it's all set up :)


days_unfolding January 20 2023, 05:39:53 UTC

I'll take pictures when it's set up.


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