
Nov 30, 2022 23:58

The TA for my programming class unstuck me on the problems that I was having via email. I also have a Zoom meeting with her tonight, which is good because I'm stuck on another problem.

The body pillow arrived. I'll put it with my stack of bedroom stuff.

The sleep study said I had mild sleep apnea, so they're ordering a CPAP. Ugh, but I hope that ( Read more... )

mom, classes, doctor, sleep apnea, bedding

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Comments 6

sunshine_two December 1 2022, 06:36:06 UTC
how many times per hour were you pausing in your breathing?


days_unfolding December 1 2022, 06:46:08 UTC

They didn't say.


theonlyrachel December 1 2022, 13:23:41 UTC

At least you found a diagnosis for your insomnia. The sleep study I did taught me nothing. I just don't sleep. I hope a CPAP helps and that it's not too cumbersome.


days_unfolding December 2 2022, 10:49:08 UTC

It actually isn't insomnia. I'm just tired all the time.


ragnarok_08 December 1 2022, 21:12:12 UTC

Glad you found a diagnosis for your insomnia.


days_unfolding December 2 2022, 10:49:16 UTC

It actually isn't insomnia. I'm just tired all the time.


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