Thanksgiving Day

Nov 24, 2022 22:06

Last night, I closed my eyes for a moment before turning off the light, and slept through until morning.
Got up at 8:30 AM. Napped for a hour after breakfast and then woke up. Zara woke up with me, but Mimi is still zonked out.

It's supposed to rain today, so I'm staying in. It certainly is overcast.

I have laundry in the dryer.

Oh man. Talked ( Read more... )

chores, home, food, mom, sleep

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Comments 6

harbourwitch November 25 2022, 11:04:25 UTC
Have there been any news on your sleep study? Am curious to hear what they find.


days_unfolding November 26 2022, 00:01:48 UTC

No, but my doctor's office called on Wednesday, so maybe they've heard about it. I'll call them on Monday.


ragnarok_08 November 25 2022, 19:52:44 UTC

Sorry about the Meijer problem :(


days_unfolding November 26 2022, 00:02:00 UTC

It's working now.


wpadmirer November 25 2022, 22:01:19 UTC

I hope the weighted blanket works for you. I really wanted one, but Pat doesn't want one, so we've ended up sans weighted blanket. Eh, no big deal.


days_unfolding November 26 2022, 00:03:13 UTC

I love weighted blankets when they use them at the hospital, so I think that I'll like it. My bedroom is going to be an oasis when I'm done with it!


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