Shouting Down a Well

Nov 15, 2022 23:20

Ack! Two to three inches of snow overnight. And I haven't retrieved my snow shovel.

Hmm. I found a used dining table that I like on Craigslist in St. Louis, but I'd have to rent a U-Haul and movers, and it wouldn't be so cheap anymore. Plus I don't like the seat coverings.

Yep, it's snowing tiny flakes. But yay, the snow melted.

Silence from the ( Read more... )

home, furniture, weather, classes, moving

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Comments 9

dadi November 16 2022, 08:06:11 UTC
That rug is beautiful!


days_unfolding November 17 2022, 08:45:32 UTC

I actually found an even prettier rug someplace else!


reikimaster November 16 2022, 15:00:07 UTC

be careful with Two Men and a Truck. they had a ton of lawsuits against them in the past. may be fine now or in your area, but you might want to look on Better Business Bureau site first


days_unfolding November 17 2022, 08:45:50 UTC

Yeah, that's a good point.


ragnarok_08 November 16 2022, 20:17:11 UTC
The rug is amazing!


days_unfolding November 17 2022, 08:46:24 UTC

I actually found an even prettier rug someplace else!


one_raido November 17 2022, 02:25:44 UTC
I love Mission furniture. I had a really nice coffee table that I loved but several years of my ex-husband sitting on it made it splat.


days_unfolding November 17 2022, 08:47:04 UTC

Yeah, so do I. That's too bad about your coffee table.


fauxklore November 18 2022, 02:33:39 UTC
I like Mission style furniture too.


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