The Cutest Little U-Haul Truck

Oct 07, 2022 19:48

I got the U-Haul truck, but it was kind of a hassle. The app made me re-enter everything that I entered last night to streamline the process. Bah. But I've got it. I'll have to get used to driving it. Sandy, my pet sitter, who drove my car back, also said that it was the cutest little U-Haul, which is what I think too. I fell out of the cab of the ( Read more... )

auntie a, tired, chicago, garden

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Comments 4

ragnarok_08 October 8 2022, 03:56:06 UTC
Sorry getting the U-Haul was a hassle :(


days_unfolding October 9 2022, 08:03:46 UTC

Thanks. It was okay to drive though.


wpadmirer October 9 2022, 01:36:02 UTC
I hope you had a safe trip.


days_unfolding October 9 2022, 08:04:00 UTC

I did, thanks.


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