
Jul 09, 2022 08:57

I attended the Smithsonian meditation today, but had a bad case of "monkey mind". I was worrying about some work and personal stuff. I need to work on clearing my mind better (but worrying about not clearing my mind won't work!)

I received my Italian Picture Dictionary and Coloring Book. I don't know much coloring that I'll do in it (though that ( Read more... )

sleep, italian. mimi, meditation

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Comments 9

ragnarok_08 July 9 2022, 17:36:56 UTC
I need to work on clearing my mind better (but worrying about not clearing my mind won't work!)



days_unfolding July 10 2022, 04:44:54 UTC


wpadmirer July 9 2022, 23:34:34 UTC
I have never been able to meditate.

When I'm trying to go to sleep, I tell myself a story. I mean, I literally make up a story that I'm interested in and just tell it to myself silently. It generally puts me to sleep relatively quickly, which I think is probably as close as I get to meditating. (I've done this since I was a child. I guess I won't ever stop doing it.)


days_unfolding July 10 2022, 04:45:38 UTC
I start dreaming when I meditate, so I'm close to falling asleep.


reikimaster July 12 2022, 20:49:54 UTC
omg I totally do this!


wpadmirer July 12 2022, 22:11:03 UTC
How cool! I've never met anyone else that did it!


sunshine_two July 10 2022, 02:04:03 UTC
Do an exercise that you need to concentrate on to accomplish. You were going to start swimming weren't you?


days_unfolding July 10 2022, 04:46:55 UTC
I've been walking on the treadmill, but I don't need to concentrate on it. Swimming is at inconvenient times for me, so I haven't gotten over there yet.


reikimaster July 12 2022, 20:53:30 UTC
the one trick that really helped me with meditation is just counting my breaths. not breathing differently. just regular and try to focus on counting them.
the other thing that helped me is to only do it for 5 min or 8 max every day at the same place, same time with the same accoutremont (like a scarf or something - after a while when I put the scarf on, I was able to get to that place quicker. it's like your body goes, "Oh, we're meditating now." )
gets better the more you do it.


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