
Apr 24, 2022 00:35

My dad said to take a lump sum from my pension and buy an annuity from a reputable company. He had a pension from United Airlines, but the company went bankrupt, so he got only a fraction of the pension. My pension is through the State of Illinois, not the University, so it's worth worrying about.

I read an article about how airlines are trying to ( Read more... )

chores, mom, baking, travel, retirement, italian, dad

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Comments 4

wpadmirer April 24 2022, 16:40:11 UTC
Flour is one of the worst things to drop. It just gets EVERYWHERE. I'm glad your scones turned out well!


days_unfolding April 25 2022, 04:10:40 UTC
Yeah, I'm still finding some flour in spots :(


kensmind April 24 2022, 16:43:47 UTC
I think you're right on this one and your dad is wrong. I know other people who cashed out government pensions only to regret it later. If your pension isn't safe there, it's not safe anywhere.


days_unfolding April 25 2022, 04:12:20 UTC
Actually, I agree with my dad. I found out that the pension fund is only half-funded by investments, and the rest comes from the legislature deciding to give it money. That makes me nervous. But I still have to wait until I'm vested in the pension.


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