
Feb 15, 2022 06:29

Overslept and feeling kind of scatterbrained this morning. Sigh.

Ducked out and mailed the eBay package.

I've had a kind of rough day. Nothing happened, but I'm feeling "off". I'm going to skip going to the grocery store tonight and lie down. Though hmm, there's skating tomorrow. And piano. And I'm also almost out of oatmeal, but I have some ( Read more... )

errands, ebay, sleep, olympics

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Comments 6

spikesgirl58 February 15 2022, 14:21:50 UTC
I hatea those 'off' days.


days_unfolding February 16 2022, 03:17:04 UTC

Today was better.


jaelle_n_gilla February 15 2022, 16:06:11 UTC
There are those days sometimes. I hope your lie-down helped!


days_unfolding February 16 2022, 03:17:19 UTC

It did, thanks


kensmind February 15 2022, 17:30:41 UTC
I have days like that, where I feel off, without any discernable cause. I just go with it, which sounds like your plan.


days_unfolding February 16 2022, 03:18:06 UTC

Yeah. The rest helped.


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