Thankfully, no actual creepy garbage bag faces.

Sep 17, 2010 07:57

Two posts back to back with the same icon! Oh, how much that bugs me, but I sorta have to right now because we need to talk. Let's face it, this Tumblr shit is fun (you should have read the first, second, and third draft! restraint is so lol), but I'm still dealing with the, you know, FEELINGS.

(What a terrible subject line! Gosh.)

Law & Order UK - 3x02 )

chung chung but with manners

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Comments 6

eolivet September 17 2010, 12:14:21 UTC
So, did they change the ending? Was the guy still beaten to death by his daughter after he tried to assault another girl (her daughter? a babysitting charge? I forget if the show actually went there) Hee, you started watching during the Emmy-winning season! Good timing. ;p

This is in the top five of my all-time L&O creepy cases, along with: James Rebhorn as the electrician serial killer; some day player on a soap as the maintenance man with the bug spray and the little girl and...shudder; and that other multi-state serial killer who they caught by finding a bone in Ft Trion Park (and is the sole reason I can't drive past that exit on the West Side Highway without shuddering)

(Is there a way to follow your Tumblr via my LJ -- do you syndicate the feed? Does Tumblr do that? I like reading your serious TV thoughts. :)


delgaserasca September 17 2010, 17:03:31 UTC
Interrupting to say: yes, you can follow a rss feed. Tumblr generates them for every blog.


allthingsholy September 19 2010, 02:24:50 UTC
I just want you to know this, and feel bad about it: I'm now dl'ing several episodes of L&O (namely, "Aftershock" and several others that deal with the Jack/Claire fall-out) and then I'm going to watch them. I AM GOING TO WATCH THEM HARD.

In conclusion, I had no idea you were such a hardcore Law & Order fangirl, but I heartily approve.


daygloparker September 19 2010, 02:38:22 UTC
WHICH ONES ARE YOU DOWNLOADING? Tell me right now so I can make sure you see the right ones because you are absolutely right, L&O is my show in a way that nothing else ever was. I'm not even that ~fannish about it, really, I simply love it INTENSELY and all the time, forever and ever. "Aftershock" is hands down my favorite, though, solely on the basis that unlike every other episode in the 20-year history of L&O, no one dies (except the executed guy, and Claire - but! point).


allthingsholy September 19 2010, 02:46:17 UTC
I am downloading the few from Wikipedia that say they're relevant? I have Aftershock, the S7 premiere, "Under the Influence" and "Sideshow" but I'll gladly download more if you say I need them! Any more I should get? (To be honest, my preferred flavor of L&O is Criminal Intent. I JUST CAN'T HELP IT.)

Also, I meant to say: I saw on Tumblr you're going to DC for the Stewart/Colbert rally. Meg/betternovembers and I are going down too! I think it's going to be half fake-news rally, half Tumblr convention!


daygloparker September 19 2010, 03:06:54 UTC
I would add "Savages," "Trophy," "Humiliation," and "Pro Se" to that list - they're all Jack/Claire, but the good ones. I won't lie - "Sideshow" will be horribly disappointing because the reference will last for all of five seconds, and then you will just lament the fact that you don't have the Homicide second part to finish the story. "Under the Influence" is amazing; actually from that to the finale is amazing (just to ride out the fallout, etc).

YES I AM GOING TO DC. I'm thinking about making a Tumblr sign, to be quite honest. Maybe just a really huge follow graphic?


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