April Showers Prompt # 2 "Chaos" (Supernatural)

Apr 09, 2011 12:52

Title: Chaos
Author: tifaching
Prompt: #2
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters: Sam Winchester, Ruby
Genre: Gen'
Rating: PG
Word count: 100
Summary:  Ruby's taken Sam a long way.

Ruby smiles as Sam reaches out )

author: tifaching, fandom: supernatural, april showers: prompt 2

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Comments 7

alaria April 10 2011, 19:53:34 UTC
So, I’ve never watched supernatural (it is a TV-show right? :) ) but really liked this. You made good use of the prompt, that’s for sure! It kind of makes me want to know more and I like the thought that the flap of a butterfly’s wings could bring hell on earth :)


tifaching April 10 2011, 20:37:03 UTC
Supernatural is indeed a TV-show, and a darned awesome one. This explanation will probably be totally unsatisfactory, but here goes.

Ruby is a demon. Sam is a psychic human. Ruby met Sam a year ago and promised that she could keep Sam's brother Dean from going to hell (he sold his soul- long story). In short, Ruby was lying. She's using Sam to free Lucifer from hell. Sam's powers, augmented by drinking her blood, are all that's capable of breaking the last seal on Lucifer's prison.

I'm glad you liked the way I used the prompt. Chaos theory just seemed like the way to go!



alaria April 10 2011, 20:42:17 UTC
Have you seen the movie "The Butterfly Effect"? It is really good!

:) I liked your explanation, but what I really like with the drabbles is that you can usually get a lot out of them even when you don't know the fandom. I guess it is because you really have to boil it down to fit the format.


tifaching April 10 2011, 20:51:11 UTC
I have not seen "The Butterfly Effect", but I'll put it on my list.

LOL, you are correct. If you have to explain your drabble, you haven't done it right! It's good to know you got so much, not knowing the fandom.

It's just when people don't know Supernatural, I really, really want to get them to watch!


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