April Showers Prompt # 2 "Chaos" (Supernatural)

Apr 09, 2011 12:52

Title: Chaos
Author: tifaching
Prompt: #2
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters: Sam Winchester, Ruby
Genre: Gen'
Rating: PG
Word count: 100
Summary:  Ruby's taken Sam a long way.

He's nearly ready.

Ruby smiles as Sam reaches out- eyes cold and hard.  He pulls the demon from its host, consigning it to eternal oblivion, and his face shows only triumph.  No guilt or pain- he’s so much stronger now.

Ruby’s triumph is even greater, but she keeps that to herself.  The lost, broken man she’d dragged from his cocoon all those months ago has grown, fed on the sweet nectar of anger and revenge, nourished by the power of her blood.

When her butterfly flaps his wings, it will bring more than chaos.  It will bring hell on earth.

author: tifaching, fandom: supernatural, april showers: prompt 2

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