Midwinter Prompt #08 - "A Burning Ring of Fire" (Howl's Moving Castle)

Jan 24, 2012 11:18

Title: A Burning Ring of Fire
Author: N_E_Star
Prompt: #08 - Fire in a fireplace (photo)
Fandom: Howl's Moving Castle
Characters & Pairings: Calsifer, Howl/Sophie
Rating & Warnings: G
Word Count: 115
Summary: Calsifer feels insulted.

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author: n_e_star, fandom: howl's moving castle, midwinter: prompt 8

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Comments 2

fantasticjackie January 29 2012, 19:38:33 UTC
LOL Awesome. I love drabbles like yours that are so simple yet capture so much more than what's said.


n_e_star January 29 2012, 23:40:18 UTC
Thank you so much!


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