Midwinter Prompt #08 - "A Burning Ring of Fire" (Howl's Moving Castle)

Jan 24, 2012 11:18

Title: A Burning Ring of Fire
Author: N_E_Star
Prompt: #08 - Fire in a fireplace (photo)
Fandom: Howl's Moving Castle
Characters & Pairings: Calsifer, Howl/Sophie
Rating & Warnings: G
Word Count: 115
Summary: Calsifer feels insulted.

He feels insulted.

He is a fire demon after all, it's his job to heat the castle.

No matter how brilliantly he bellows and burns, how splendidly he scorches and smokes, every time Sophie comes in from the garden - with her boots covered in snow, her dress hem wet, her hat askew and her cheeks whipped red by the winter wind - it's Howl she goes to and says, “I'm cold.”

And Howl says something like, “Let's get you out of those wet things” or “I'll have to see about a warming spell then”; but whatever Howl tries, when they come back Sophie's cheeks are just as red.

He feels insulted.

author: n_e_star, fandom: howl's moving castle, midwinter: prompt 8

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