April Showers Prompt #1: let our scars fall in love

Apr 13, 2011 02:27

Title: let our scars fall in love
Author: enderxenocide
Prompt: one
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Heero/Relena
Genre: romance, angst
Rating & Warnings: PG, scar fixation
Word Count: 100
Summary: After the war, Relena runs her fingertips over the scars and remnants.

let our scars fall in love )

author: enderxenocide, april showers: prompt 1, fandom: gundam wing

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Comments 2

fantasticjackie April 13 2011, 15:53:39 UTC
Ooo, I love this! Especially the last line. Relena has such pressure on her after the wars are over to fix everything, I can imagine the stress of such bleeding into all her activities even as passing thoughts.

I learned a fair amount of anatomy vocabulary, too! :D -The context definitely helped, but... he's Heero. Been injured way too many times in way too many places. ;) Isn't he lucky that his face never gets scarred?


alaria April 13 2011, 18:57:53 UTC
This was really well written and I like how you use anatomical vocabulary - it brings both realism and surrealism to the piece. The last line was powerful and it really feels like maybe nations have a harder time healing than the human body. Beautiful writing!


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