April Showers Prompt #1: let our scars fall in love

Apr 13, 2011 02:27

Title: let our scars fall in love
Author: enderxenocide
Prompt: one
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Heero/Relena
Genre: romance, angst
Rating & Warnings: PG, scar fixation
Word Count: 100
Summary: After the war, Relena runs her fingertips over the scars and remnants.

After the war, Relena runs her fingertips over the scars and remnants-the bullet wounds on his quadriceps femoris and brachialis, the broken femur and damaged parietal. Her thumb catches on his scapula (New Edwards, she thinks then, and her fingers linger.) She likes that the skin here never forgets, even after the wounds have closed under blood clots and layers of collagen and fibrous tissue. She presses her palm against his intercostales and there is recognition. She covers the scars with kisses and unravels the secrets in the exposed skin and hopes that nations might heal the same way.

author: enderxenocide, april showers: prompt 1, fandom: gundam wing

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