Title: Touch Critic
Author: were_lemur
Prompt: "Spring is Sprung" by Unknown
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Buffy Summers
Genre: Gen
Rating & Warnings: Teen and Up
Word Count: 100
Summary: How else is she going to fight vampires -- harsh language?
"Spring is sprung and grass has riz
where the Slayer's grave is."
"Really?" Buffy asked, brandishing her stake. "That's the best you can do?"
The vampire blinked.
"Okay, it rhymes. Sorta. But the meter is completely off there at the end. It should go tum te-tum te-tum te-tum."
The vampire bared its fangs and lunged. Buffy ducked neatly out of the way. The vampire turned for another try, but met Buffy's stake halfway. It exploded in a puff of dust.
Buffy slipped the stake into her pocket.
"Spring has sprung but there's no grass
where the Slayer staked your ass."