blue skies #3: "Shelter" (Doctor Who, Nine/Rose, PG-13)

Aug 16, 2011 14:34

Title: Shelter
Author: fannishliss 
Prompt: Blue Skies prompt #3: shelter
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters & Pairings: Nine/Rose
Rating & Warnings: PG-13 overall
Word Count: 100
Summary: part six of a romance in drabbles: Even a Time Lord needs shelter.

shelter )

fandom: doctor who, author: fannishness, blue skies: prompt 3

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Comments 6

bloose09 August 17 2011, 00:37:20 UTC
The beautiful journey continues with this installment.

This imagery is gorgeous.
Rose sings his soulsong and the tree chimes a polyrhythmic counterpoint. The song envelopes him, luscious and warm, and he’s swaddled in the quilt of her compassion.

The Doctor finds solace in Rose. *sniff*


fannishliss August 17 2011, 01:37:06 UTC
thanks very much for following this drabble series! :)

i think each drabble does stand on its own, but they also benefit from having space between, seeing that they are all very much connected.

I'm very glad you're enjoying them. :)


(The comment has been removed)

fannishliss August 17 2011, 17:42:20 UTC
yay -- glad you enjoyed it! :)


ahedonia August 18 2011, 04:32:08 UTC
I love how they both know she now understands him in a way that literally no one else does, without either of them having to say a word.


fannishliss August 18 2011, 05:38:45 UTC
They go through a kind of revelation together. I'm so glad you enjoyed it! :)


emraldeyedauter August 30 2011, 04:28:57 UTC
You have a beautiful understanding of the English language. Making simple words into magic.


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