blue skies #3: "Shelter" (Doctor Who, Nine/Rose, PG-13)

Aug 16, 2011 14:34

Title: Shelter
Author: fannishliss 
Prompt: Blue Skies prompt #3: shelter
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters & Pairings: Nine/Rose
Rating & Warnings: PG-13 overall
Word Count: 100
Summary: part six of a romance in drabbles: Even a Time Lord needs shelter.



Night falls soft, cottony, warm, no plunge of arid desert temps. Dew falls and Rose is damp. He steals her heat and her lips tremble. Hand in hand, they find the Tardis beyond the red grass verge.

Home, ship, friend-- the Tardis is so much more than shelter. She contains palaces, rooms upon rooms full of precious secrets.  The  Doctor leads Rose down the whitewood way to a courtyard where one tree hums. Rose sings his soulsong and the tree chimes a polyrhythmic counterpoint. The song envelopes him, luscious and warm, and he’s swaddled in the quilt of her compassion.


Tune in tomorrow for Sultry.
Road Trip ~ Meadow ~ Sweat ~ Scent ~ Wildfire ~ Shelter ~ Sultry ~ Storm ~ Ennui ~ Freedom

fandom: doctor who, author: fannishness, blue skies: prompt 3

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