Blue Skies #8 ; Incandescence ; Super 8

Aug 06, 2011 22:03

Title: Incandescence
Author: lost_laputian 
Prompt: #8
Fandom: Super 8
Character(s)/Pairings: Charles, Cary, Preston; Joe/Alice
Rating & Warnings: T for Cary.
Word Count: 399
Summary: Alice descended upon him without warning.
Author's Notes: I am going to challenge myself to write something besides Super 8 for this challenge. ONE DAY.

And that's how I became the sea. )

author: lost_laputian, fandom: super 8, blue skies: prompt 8

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Comments 3

litlover12 August 8 2011, 16:46:33 UTC
Hee! You really have these characters down pat! :-) Beautifully done.

(I'd love a story with Joe's dad one day, if you feel like it. But no pressure. :-) Just a suggestion.)


blevins August 8 2011, 17:00:29 UTC
Good idea! I'm working on one with Charles and Martin (just bein' friends, because I feel like they probably got a lot closer after Charles helped fix his leg), but I hadn't really thought about one with Joe's dad. I'm always so scared to write him because he was such an interesting character and I don't want to ruin him, haha. But I'll give it a shot! Thanks! c:


litlover12 August 8 2011, 17:31:41 UTC
I have full confidence that you could pull it off! :-)


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