Blue Skies #8 ; Incandescence ; Super 8

Aug 06, 2011 22:03

Title: Incandescence
Author: lost_laputian 
Prompt: #8
Fandom: Super 8
Character(s)/Pairings: Charles, Cary, Preston; Joe/Alice
Rating & Warnings: T for Cary.
Word Count: 399
Summary: Alice descended upon him without warning.
Author's Notes: I am going to challenge myself to write something besides Super 8 for this challenge. ONE DAY.

Alice descended upon him without warning in the lake, her blonde hair billowing white and lavish as the water swelled beneath it. Joe squinted his eyes to see through the blue cloudiness and there she was, pushing her arms forward and out with fluidity, her shoulders pale beneath the earthy green of her bikini.

Dimly, he could hear splashes and shouting from above the surface as Charles did a cannonball, sending explosions of white bubbles through the water. Preston dog-paddled past, his pasty legs flailing.

Alice didn't pause when she reached him, taking his hands in hers and pressing her lips against his, sending a bubble into his mouth and down his throat. Upon impact, her hair came cascading down with the glimmering grace that only water can provide, and it surrounded Joe's head, moving against the back of his neck. He hadn't closed his eyes, but she had, and he tried in vain to count the tiny bubbles gathering in her eyelashes before sinking down with her in his arms.

The water made her lips cold and tender, and her skin whiter and more eerie-looking than any ghost. He put his hands on the small of her back, not caring if they'd have to come back up for air, because he could honestly drown like this and never regret it.

In the corner of his consciousness, he noticed a wide, dark shadow suddenly appear over his and Alice's heads, and it wasn't until its shape hit the water that he realized what it was. He pulled away from Alice abruptly with a cry, but all that came out was a stream of bubbles, and she looked at him in confusion before the two of them felt the impact of Charles on top of them.

As the three came spluttering to the surface, they could hear Cary cackling from a few feet away, clutching his stomach as he doubled over in the water, kicking his legs to stay afloat. Joe turned furiously to Charles, who was laughing just as hard as Cary, pointing a finger at the him and Alice. He swiveled his gaze to Alice, whose hair had dropped completely in front of her face, obscuring her entire bust. She raised two hands up behind it and pushed it aside in two halves, looking altogether similar to an extremely disgruntled mermaid.

"Cockblocked!" Cary was chanting. "Cockblocked, cockblocked, cockblocked!"

author: lost_laputian, fandom: super 8, blue skies: prompt 8

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