Blue Skies Prompt #13: Foundations (ASOIAF)

Jul 27, 2011 12:04

Title: Foundations
Author: mrstater
Prompt: #13, One minute I held the key / Next the walls were closed on me / And I discovered that my castles stand / Upon pillars of salt and pillars of sand (Viva la Vida by Coldplay)
Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire
Characters & Pairings: Sansa Stark
Rating & Warnings: rated PG-13 for violence
Word Count: 235
Summary: A ( Read more... )

fandom: a song of ice and fire, author: mrstater, blue skies: prompt 13

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Comments 7

just_a_dram July 27 2011, 19:01:37 UTC
:( Poor, poor Sansa. I know people like her better once she's been shaken, but it is a shame these things have to happen to her.

The contrast here between her lightness of spirit as she skips across the floor and then her falling to the floor (after her father's head does the same) is really effective.

(I'm going to have this song playing in my head all day. I always think it's about Richard the Lionheart.)


mrstater July 28 2011, 02:42:36 UTC
Sansa frustrates me in the book before Ned is executed, but it's not really anything personal; all teenagers frustrate me, lol. But I do really feel for her, and she grows on me more the further I read. So pleased you felt I captured the dramatic change for her here.

I ♥ that song. I hadn't thought about Richard the Lionheart! But it's perfect.


just_a_dram July 28 2011, 19:57:02 UTC
I ♥ that song.

Me too. I sing along really loud to it.

I hadn't thought about Richard the Lionheart! But it's perfect.

My former advisor is the crusade historian, so I'm required to see crusaders in everything. ;)


anywhere_but_nj July 28 2011, 16:58:54 UTC
:( :( Oh Sansa...

I think you got her down perfectly


mrstater July 29 2011, 05:13:18 UTC
Thank you! Poor Sansa, indeed. :(


gilpin25 July 31 2011, 18:13:29 UTC
How horrible is her faith in the good, noble King Joffrey, and the fact that she regards him as hers is as nauseating as it was in the book! It was still the cruelest of ways to discover that childish dreams are exactly that, and things will never be all right again.

Lovely and apt description of the Red Keep as a (fairytale) sandcastle lit by sunshine, and it's only at the end that she realizes that sand can always shift beneath your feet. Poor Blind Sansa. :(


mrstater July 31 2011, 22:21:15 UTC
You know, I almost feel guilty for being so annoyed by Sansa through most of GoT after what happens to her after Ned is killed. :( She's really not guilty of anything except being a teenager. And why wouldn't she have believed the best of her prince? Anyway! I'm really pleased you feel I've captured the setting and the characterization here. Thanks for reading.


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